Why might a supervisor override a selected access level?
As a supervisor, you are in the best position to determine if a thesis can comply with the default policy, or if an exception is required, due to your awareness of the thesis’ content and sponsor or research partner requirements.
Supervisors face two possible scenarios:
Scenario 1: Student believes thesis can comply with policy
If a student has selected an access level covered by the policy, i.e. either immediate Open Access or a 12 month embargo, the supervisor should consider the thesis’ content, sponsorship and research partner requirements before either approving or overriding this selection.
Scenario 2: Student believes thesis cannot comply with policy
If a student has requested an exception to the policy, their reason for this will be displayed to supervisors. If a thesis does not meet the specified criteria for requesting an exception to the policy, the default access level of Open Access with 12 month embargo should be applied by the Supervisor.
If a student selects ‘Other’ reason for requesting an exception, the supervisor should consider the information provided by the student accompanying this selection, and come to a decision on the appropriate access level based on this and the policy’s requirements. The Library’s eThesis Support Service can be contacted if further information or guidance is required.
See Case studies for some examples of how a supervisor might make decisions on final thesis access level. See Access level options for information on plans to publish in light of the default policy.