International exchanges
We are keen to promote collaborative working with other world-leading special collections and research organisations.
We offer a range of exchange opportunities to University of Manchester researchers at all career stages to conduct research, gain insights from other scholars and experts and extend scholarly networks. We particularly welcome applications for visits that can provide a step towards a larger, externally funded grant bid.
The Huntington-Rylands Exchange Fellowship
The Huntington Library is an independent research centre for the humanities that welcomes advanced researchers from all over the world. The Library has an extensive collection of rare books, manuscripts, maps, photographs and other textual and graphic materials important for the study of British and American history and literature, the history of science and technology, and the history of the book.
This scheme supports one researcher, at any career stage, from each institution to apply for a one-month fellowship at the partner institution.
Rylands Fellows visiting The Huntington will receive economy round-trip airfare and a bursary of £3,000 towards accommodation and subsistence.
The Newberry-Rylands Exchange Fellowship
The Newberry collection is home to some 1.6 million books, 600,000 maps, and five million manuscript pages dating from the Middle Ages to the present.
This scheme supports one researcher, at any career stage, from each institution to apply for a one-month fellowship at the partner institution. Rylands Fellows visiting the Newberry will receive $3000 USD, and Newberry Fellows visiting the Rylands will also receive $3,000 at the Rylands, to help cover costs relating to accommodation and travel.
The John W. Kluge Center at The Library of Congress PhD Fellowship
The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections. The Library is the main research arm of the U.S. Congress and the home of the U.S. Copyright Office.
This Fellowship gives a University of Manchester PhD student the opportunity to spend three months in Washington DC working at the Library of Congress archives. Fellows will receive a bursary of £2,000 per month towards travel, accommodation and visa expenses and an economy round-trip airfare.
Find out more
For information about deadlines for these and other funding opportunities, please visit our Funding Opportunities page.
Please contact for more information.