Supporting research impact

The John Rylands Research Institute and Library delivers exhibitions, public engagement events and schools workshops to over 350,000 public and schools visitors each year.

We are keen to work with researchers to create innovative public engagement opportunities linked to research on our extensive special collections.

Researchers can draw on the expertise of our engagement and education teams to collaborate on a variety of impactful public engagement activities.

Get in touch if you are developing an external grant bid that includes a proposed exhibition, public event(s) or schools engagement at the Rylands so that we can help you to produce a realistic and fundable plan with the best chance of success.


Our experienced exhibition team welcomes approaches from researchers interested in collaborating with us to deliver innovative exhibitions linked to research on our special collections.

For more information about how we can support University of Manchester research-led exhibitions, please contact Emily Tan, Exhibitions and Public Engagement with Research Manager.

Public events

Our skilled public programmes team are happy to hear from researchers interested in contributing to our diverse and exciting programme of public events. We collaborate with researchers to identify audiences and the impact that their research can achieve. Events may be aimed at broad public audiences or tailored to specific groups.   

For more information about our Public Programming, please contact our Exhibitions and Public Engagement with Research team.

Education programmes

The Teaching, Learning and Students Team are keen to hear from researchers who are interested in exploring how their collections-based research can feed into learning in schools, colleges and community education organisations. The team can contribute to the development of ideas in their early stages and offer guidance on approaches to outreach work and a network of education partners.

For more information about how we can support schools activities, please contact our Teaching, Learning and Students Team.