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Library regulations

Application and Scope

  1. The University of Manchester Library (the 'Library') shall comprise such premises and library resources as may be designated from time to time by the Board.  For the time being, these include the:

    • Main Library Building
    • Art and Archaeology Library
    • Eddie Davies Library (Alliance Manchester Business School)
    • John Rylands Research Institute and Library
    • Stopford Library (Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health) 
  1. This Regulation shall apply to all constituent parts of the Library, unless specific provisions to the contrary are included within it, in official Library Policy Statements, or published in the particular Library concerned.

  1. The Library is open for the purpose of study and research to (the 'users'):

    1. members of the Board of Governors and of the General Assembly of the University of Manchester;
    2. current members of staff of the University of Manchester;
    3. registered students of the University of Manchester;
    4. such other students taking courses in the University as from time to time agreed by the University Librarian or an authorised representative;
    5. graduates and retired staff members of the University of Manchester, and of the former Universities;
    6. members of Manchester Medical Society;
    7. members of institutions affiliated with the University of Manchester, as from time to time agreed by the Librarian;
    8. members of the academic staffs of other universities;
    9. persons satisfying the Librarian that they are engaged in academic research;
    10. staff and students of institutions making up the North West Academic Libraries Consortium (NOWAL) on reciprocal terms as from time to time agreed by the Consortium;
    11. students of other universities (in the University of Manchester vacations only or as authorised by the University Librarian);
    12. members of non-University profit and non-profit organisations on a negotiated basis;
    13. such other persons as may, on application to the Librarian, be granted authority to use the Library.

    If it appears that their presence in the Library will impair the use of the Library by members of the University of Manchester, users specified in categories (g) to (m) above may, at certain times, be refused access to the Library or parts of the Library at the discretion of the Librarian.

    1. All users must possess a current University of Manchester Library Membership Card, or approved identity document, and are required to show it on request. Admission may be refused to any user who does not do so. Use of Library facilities and borrowing rights are personal to the cardholder and are not transferable.
    2. Applicants for a Library Membership Card who are not members of the University of Manchester may be required to provide evidence of status, or a letter of recommendation.
    3. The Librarian may, from time to time, prescribe fees to be charged to certain categories of cardholders, or for certain Library services.
    4. Exhibitions and lectures held in the John Rylands Research Institute and Library shall normally open to the public.

Hours of Opening

  1. The opening hours of the Library and its associated facilities shall be displayed on notices throughout the Library, in University publications, and on the Library web pages. may be reviewed from time to time by the Librarian acting after appropriate consultation.

  2. The Library shall normally be closed on days on which the University is closed.

Policies and Procedures

  1. The Librarian shall have the authority to issue, and from time to time review, policy statements and procedures, which shall be deemed to be part of this Regulation, in respect of the following:
    1. the use of Library materials, within the Library or elsewhere, including the use of rare books, manuscripts, archives, other special collections material and electronic information resources;
    2. the use of allocated special study areas;
    3. the terms on which Library material may be borrowed;
    4. loan procedures and loan periods;
    5. lost items of Library material;
    6. the bringing of personal belongings into Library premises;
    7. the conduct of users in the Library.


  1. The provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and, where appropriate, the copyright licensing agreements which the University has from time to time entered into must be observed in all copying of Library material and in all copying carried out on Library premises.

Infringement and Enforcement

  1. All members of the Library staff are authorised to require compliance with the provisions of this Regulation on request, in particular those relating to conduct within the Library.  Failure by a user to comply with such a request shall normally be reported to the Librarian or an authorised deputy, who, subject to the laws of the University, shall determine the action to be taken.

  2. Where there is a formal agreement between The University of Manchester and other institutions whereby a user of either institution may use the Library facilities of the other, The University of Manchester user may be subject to penalties set out hereunder, or elsewhere in the laws of the University, for a serious breach of the regulations of the other institution (provided that the user is not penalised twice for the same breach).

  3. Failure to observe any of the foregoing provisions by any user who is not subject to the laws of the University, or to formal institutional agreements with the Library as referred to in paragraph 3 above, may result in the user being excluded by the Librarian from using the Library's facilities and services on a temporary or a permanent basis.

  4. The Librarian may levy a fine on any user who fails to comply with other provisions of this Regulation, up to a maximum amount determined from time to time by the Board, but not exceeding £500, according to the seriousness of the offence. Failure to pay fines levied as above may result in the user being excluded by the Librarian from using the Library's facilities and services on a temporary or a permanent basis.

  5. Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation XII, the assessment result for any student may be withheld if he or she, on completion of his or her programme of study, fails to return all items borrowed from the Library, or fails to pay all outstanding charges.

  6. Any user to whom such penalties as provided for above have been applied may appeal to the Registrar and Secretary.