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Workshops and training for researchers

 Attendance at MRE sessions counts towards Postgraduate Researcher training hours.  Add details to your eProg record following our MRE_eProg_guide.pdf.

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Shut up and write (on campus)

Shut Up and Write is an event for researchers to come together for a fixed amount of time and write. The aim is not to put pressure on you to be productive, rather, to help you carve out some dedicated time to write and to present a chance to connect with other researchers. It is a great way make progress on those thesis chapters, journal articles, or grant applications.

Whilst two hours doesn't sound like much, it is amazing what you can get done if you really focus. There will be short, scheduled breaks in between writing sessions of 30 minutes, to help keep you motivated and on-task. During the breaks there will also be time to reflect on some of the challenges we are facing as a research community and how we might support one another.

Booking on

Due to popularity, booking onto the event is essential to ensure a place.

Further support

Talk to us online via the 24-hour Library Chat service. Alternatively, you can email us for advice or to book one-to-one appointments at

Find out more about the workshops and online resources offered by My Research Essentials on the library webpage. Online resources related to this workshop include:

We are running this event more than once on the following dates and times:

Tue 6 Aug 2024, 14:00 - 16:00 BST (GMT+1)StudentsStaffSpacesFind out more
Mon 2 Sep 2024, 14:00 - 16:00 BST (GMT+1)StudentsStaffSpacesFind out more

Enhance your public speaking skills using improvisation techniques (online)

Fri 16 Aug 2024, 14:00 - 15:30 BST (GMT+1)

In this fully interactive workshop you will learn a range of improvisation techniques that will improve your confidence about public speaking and informal networking.

Improvisation is a form of unscripted theatre that relies on heightened communication and creativity. Aside from performance, it can be also be used to promote teamwork, enhance presentation skills and ease social anxiety. We will focus on the application of improvisation for improving public speaking skills and will provide you with practical exercises to help you build confidence in communicating with a variety of audiences.

Learn to be more present, feel confident speaking in any setting and embrace failure.

This session will take place on the online video conferencing app Zoom.

Booking onto the session is essential in order to receive the link to join.

All University of Manchester students and staff should register at using their University of Manchester email address, only authenticated users can join this event. Help and support with using Zoom is provided by Media Services. Updates are posted to the Media Services website, and you can contact the team by emailing

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Shut up and write (online)

Tue 20 Aug 2024, 10:00 - 12:00 BST (GMT+1)

Shut Up and Write is an event for researchers to come together for a fixed amount of time and write. The aim is not to put pressure on you to be productive, rather, to help you carve out some dedicated time to write and to present a chance to connect with other researchers. It is a great way make progress on those thesis chapters, journal articles, or grant applications.

Whilst two hours doesn't sound like much, it is amazing what you can get done if you really focus. There will be short, scheduled breaks in between writing sessions of 30 minutes, to help keep you motivated and on-task. During the breaks there will also be time to reflect on some of the challenges we are facing as a research community and how we might support one another.

How to book on

This event will take place on the online video conferencing app Booking onto the event is essential to receive the link and passcode to join.

Zoom guidance and support

All University of Manchester students and staff should register at using their University of Manchester email address, only authenticated users can join this event. Help and support with using Zoom is provided by Media Services. Updates are posted to the Media Services website, and you can contact the team by emailing

Find out more about the workshops and online resources offered by My Research Essentials on the library webpage. Online resources related to this workshop include:

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MRE Writing Retreat

Fri 30 Aug 2024, 09:00 - 17:00 BST (GMT+1)

The aim of this one-day writing retreat is to provide a quiet space where staff and researchers can make progress with their writing. It is a great way to carve out dedicated time to get on with those journal articles, thesis chapters, HEA Fellowships or grant applications.

The majority of the day will be spent in concentrated writing sessions where there should be no talking, no internet, no research - just writing! There will be short, scheduled breaks (with free tea, coffee and snacks) in between these blocks of concentrated writing time, to help keep you motivated and on-task.

Don't forget your laptop!

Programme for the day:

9.00-9.20 Tea, coffee and registration

9.20-9.50 Set your writing goals for the day, and learn some useful writing strategies

9.50-12.00 Concentrated writing time

12.00-13.00 Lunch and optional wellbeing activity

13.00-13.10 Reflect on your progress so far, re-evaluate your goals

13.10-15.20 Concentrated writing time

15.20-15.35 Coffee break

15.35-16.50 Concentrated writing time

16.50-17.00 Reflection

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Enhance your Public Speaking Skills using Improvisation Techniques (on campus)

Thu 5 Sep 2024, 14:00 - 15:30 BST (GMT+1)

In this fully interactive workshop you will learn a range of improvisation techniques that will improve your confidence about public speaking and informal networking.

Improvisation is a form of unscripted theatre that relies on heightened communication and creativity. Aside from performance, it can be also be used to promote teamwork, enhance presentation skills and ease social anxiety. We will focus on the application of improvisation for improving public speaking skills and will provide you with practical exercises to help you build confidence in communicating with a variety of audiences.

Learn to be more present, feel confident speaking in any setting and embrace failure.

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Resilience for PGRs: Managing the challenges of research (on campus)

Tue 10 Sep 2024, 14:00 - 16:00 BST (GMT+1)

In this workshop you will explore three of the most common challenges identified by PhD candidates: managing your relationship with your supervisor; time management and procrastination; and dealing with setbacks during research.

You will explore the context around these issues and how they affect the research process, before working with other postgraduate researchers to help develop the necessary skills and approaches for dealing with them.

Finally, you will be introduced to established models and strategies for working effectively with your supervisory team, beating the procrastination cycle and maintaining resilience in the face of setbacks.

Booking on

Due to popularity, booking onto the event is essential to ensure a place.

Further support

Can't make this session? Talk to us online via Library Chat now, or send us an email:

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Reference management with EndNote desktop for researchers (on campus)

Wed 11 Sep 2024, 14:00 - 15:30 BST (GMT+1)

This hands-on session will introduce you to EndNote desktop reference management software, a tool to help with collecting, managing and organising your references and creating citations and bibliographies in different formats. You will reflect throughout on how reference management software can fit into your existing research workflows.

In the session you will gain practical experience of managing an EndNote Library including using the Cite While You Write function to insert and format in-text citations and bibliographies within Microsoft Word documents, and an introduction to using EndNote with Overleaf.

How to book on

Due to popularity, booking onto the event is essential to ensure a place.

Further support

Talk to us online via Library Chat now, or send us an email:

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