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How to borrow books

Main collections

You may borrow books from our standard collections for the whole of the academic year.

For full details of current semester dates see the University's key dates.

If all standard copies of the book you require are on loan you may request a copy through Library Search.

If another customer requests the book, you may need to return it before the end of the academic year; if this is the case, we will contact you.

High Demand collections

Items in our High Demand collections may be borrowed for three nights, or five nights for some DASS registered students.

Reference material

Some items are for use only in Library and may not be borrowed. These are marked 'Reference only'.

How do I borrow a book?

You can use the self-service machines to borrow books.

Instructions for using the self-issue machines are displayed on the touch screens but please do ask a member of Library staff for help if you need it.

You will be unable to use the self-service machines if:

  • Your Library card is blocked due to unpaid fines/overdue loans and recalls
  • Your Library card is damaged
  • Your Library card is expired
  • You have reached your loan quota

If you have an android device, you can also issue books using our CheckOut app - ARCHIVED.


How many books can I borrow?

Staff and students at The University of Manchester, and other users with borrowing entitlements, can borrow: 

Borrower loan quotas
CategoryLoan quotaStandard
University of Manchester Staff Unlimited Yes - for the academic year
University of Manchester Research Postgraduate Up to 50 books Yes - for the academic year
University of Manchester Taught-course Postgraduate Up to 50 books Yes - for the academic year
University of Manchester Undergraduate Up to 50 books Yes - for the academic year