Case studies
Case study 1: My student had requested an exception to the policy, when I don't think this is required
Recommended supervisor actions:
- Familiarise yourself with the sections of the Presentation of Theses policy relating to final thesis access (Section 8, page 13).
- Consider the reason selected by the student for requesting an exception to the policy. Is this reason applicable and appropriate, based on your knowledge of the thesis?
- Was the student sponsored by an organisation that forbids open sharing of research findings?
- Is the thesis RCUK funded? RCUK require theses to be made open access within 12 months as part of the terms and conditions of the funding (unless any of the exceptions also apply)
- Does the thesis contain data that is personal, sensitive, or likely to be used by collaborators?
- Do intellectual property or commercialisation concerns apply?
- If you disagree with the student’s reason for requesting an exception to the policy, you should override this by selecting one of the access options available in the policy: immediate Open Access, or a 12 month embargo
Case study 2: My student has selected immediate Open Access or a 12 month embargo, when I think an exception to the policy is required
Recommended supervisor actions:
- Familiarise yourself with the sections of the Presentation of Theses policy relating to final thesis access (Section 8, page 13).
- Consider the thesis’ content, sponsorship and collaborators.
- Was the student sponsored by an organisation that forbids open sharing of research findings via the terms and conditions of the studentship contract?
- Does the thesis contain data that is personal, sensitive, or likely to be used by collaborators?
- Do intellectual property or commercialisation concerns apply?
- If you disagree with the student’s selected access level, and feel an embargo is required, you should override their selection and select either 5 year embargo or indefinite closed access.