| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
- Macro-Economic Time Series Data
- See:
- Management and Organization Studies: A Sage Full-Text Collection
- See:
- Manchester Guardian
- See:
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Guardian and The Observer
Manchester Medieval Sources Online
- Manchester University Press
Manchester Scholarship Online
- Oxford University Press
- Manchester University Press
- Royal Society of Chemistry
Marketing Mentor
- MarketingMentor.net Ltd.
Marketing Week Online
- Centaur Media
MarketResearch.com Academic
- Freedonia Focus Market Research
- MedicinesComplete
Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies
- Alexander Street Press
Mass Observation Online
- Adam Matthew Digital
Mass Observation Project, 1981-2009
- Adam Matthew Digital
- Mass Tourism
- See:
Master Journal List for all Web of Science Databases
- Institute for Scientific Information ; Clarivate Analytics
- Materials Science: A SAGE Full-Text Collection
- See:
Maternity and Infant Care
- Ovid Online
- American Mathematical Society
Max Planck Encyclopedias of Public International Law
- Oxford University Press
- MediaPlus
- See:
- MedicinesComplete
Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online (MEMSO)
- TannerRitchie Publishing
Medieval Travel Writing
- Adam Matthew Digital
- National Institutes of Health (U.S.). PubMed Central
Mental Health Law Reports
- Justis Publishing
- Merck Index
- See:
Mergent Archives
- Mergent
- Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (via WRDS)
- See:
Methodist Publications, 1855-1919
- British Online Archives
MGG online : die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart
- Kassel : Bärenreiter-Verlag Karl Vötterle GmbH & Co. KG
Middle English Compendium
- Middle English Compendium
- Midwifery and Infant Care
- See:
Migration to New Worlds
- Adam Matthew Digital
Mintel Oxygen
- Mintel Oxygen
Monumenta Germaniae Historica
- Brepolis
Music and Performing Arts
- Alexander Street Press
- Music Hall, Theatre, Popular Entertainment
- See:
Music Online: Classical Scores Library
- Alexander Street Press
- Miletos
- MyiLibrary
- See: