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How to access Library electronic resources

Use Library Search, Library Access, LibKey Nomad or

Search on our Library Search

This can be accessed through My Manchester or the Library website. In most cases the Library link to an electronic resource will direct you to the University Login Service page, and upon successful login using your University username and password you will be directed back to the required service.

Use Library Access, LibKey Nomad or

Library Access and LibKey Nomad are browser extensions that make it easier to access electronic resource content provided by the Library without having to visit Library Search first. Both tools provide a pop-up notification when you consult websites providing content which the Library is subscribed to, and then direct you to the University Login Service page before directing you back to the required service.

If you know the digital object identifier (DOI) or PubMed Identifier (PMID) for the article you want to access you can use If the article is available through the Library’s subscriptions, or it is Open Access, you will be able to access the PDF or the article link.

Direct login on the service website

This will usually say 'UK Federation', 'Shibboleth', 'Institutional Login' or 'Log in at your home organisation'. You will then be asked to choose the UK Federation and then select the University of Manchester. You will then be redirected to the University Login Service page, and upon successful login using your University username and password, you will be directed back to the required service.

All of the above methods will provide you with access to Library electronic resources irrespective of whether or not you are connected to Global Protect VPN.

Web accessibility statements

The University of Manchester Library is committed to making the information and resources that it provides via the web accessible to all users.

We aim to be standards compliant and follow general principles of usability and universal design, which should help visitors to our websites. A full list of third-party content suppliers along with relevant accessibility information is available for download in Microsoft Excel format:

The spreadsheet linked above outlines the following accessibility information:

  • The name of the third-party content provider
  • A link to a third-party accessibility statement if available
  • A link to an ASPIRE accessibility analysis report if available. ASPIRE is a verification service for accessibility statements in the publishing industry.

Help and support

For support with access to electronic resources, or if you are experiencing any accessibility issues with a University of Manchester Library third-party content supplier, please email the Electronic Resources Helpdesk.

If you are planning to visit the Library to access resources, please refer to our opening hours and support channels: