Common issues
Pages are not loading:
Please contact the Electronic Resources Helpdesk.
Please take a screenshot of any error messages that you see and include this in your communication.
No access to the e-book:
If an e-book is listed on Library Search but on clicking the link you are told that the e-book is not available, please click the button to report this to the Electronic Resources Helpdesk.
Link is not working:
If the link provided on Library Search does not take you to the book that you require, or is not working properly, please click the button to report this to the Electronic Resources Helpdesk.
‘Add to queue’ is the only option available:
This means that the title is being read by the maximum number of readers stipulated on the licence.
Clicking the 'add to queue button' means that you will be e-mailed when a copy becomes available.
For further details as to the length of time you have to activate a reservation, once a copy becomes available please see the platform specific element of the section: What to do if all books are in use?
‘Reserve’ is the only option available:
This means that the title is being read by the maximum number of readers stipulated on the licence.
Clicking the ‘reserve’ button adds you to the queue of people waiting to use this title and means that you will be emailed when a copy becomes available.
For further details as to the length of time you have to activate a reservation, once a copy becomes available please see the platform specific element of the section: What to do if all books are in use?
Renewing/Returning e-books:
E-books can’t be renewed. However, in most cases, once you come to the end of a download period you can download it again immediately.
E-books can’t be returned. Your access will end only at the end of the download period that you have chosen.
E-books that have expired:
If you get a message that your permission to view an e-book has expired, you have probably exceeded your download period. To view the e-book, go back onto the e-book platform and download it again.