Workshops and training for researchers
Attendance at MRE sessions counts towards Postgraduate Researcher training hours. Add details to your eProg record following our MRE_eProg_guide.pdf.
Creating and managing your ORCID
Ensuring connections between you and your research, ORCIDs are being adopted across all elements of the research community (ie. universities, publishers, funders) as the universal method for uniquely identifying researchers.
They are free to create and link researchers to their research activities.
At this session you can:
- Learn more about the benefits of ORCIDs
- Find out how to create your own ORCID
- Discover how to easily manage your ORCID account
This session will take place on the online video conferencing app Zoom. Booking onto the session is essential in order to receive the link to join.
All University of Manchester students and staff should register at using their University of Manchester email address, only authenticated users can join this event. Help and support with using Zoom is provided by Media Services. Updates are posted to the Media Services website, and you can contact the team by emailing
Further support
Talk to us online via the 24-hour Library Chat service. Alternatively, you can email us for advice or to book one-to-one appointments at
Find out more about the workshops and online resources offered by My Research Essentials on the library webpage. Online resources related to this workshop include: