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Reducing the stress of perfectionism (on campus)

Tue 14 Feb 2023, 13:00 - 14:30 GMT
AGLC -104


Perfectionism has a way of robbing us of that glow of achievement and ultimately making us miserable. Having high standards is good but not if they make everything in life so challenging that we are exhausted before we have even started!

If you find that you are never really satisfied with your achievements, spend a lot of time procrastinating rather than working and are increasingly self-critical, then this could be the workshop for you.

Booking on

Due to popularity, booking onto the event is essential to ensure a place.

Further support

Talk to us online via Library Chat now. You can email us for us advice and to book one-to-ones:


This event is open to University students.

This event is about to start soon, so you can no longer register online. Contact the event organiser directly if you wish to attend.