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Do I have dyslexia? (online)

Wed 22 Feb 2023, 10:30 - 11:00 GMT


This 30 minute information session will explain what dyslexia (and other specific learning difficulties) are and how to access support. Its run over Zoom, so you'll need to book to receive the link.

Well therefore explain:

  • What Dyslexia is
  • How a checklist might help you decide whether or not to have an assessment
  • How dyslexia can be diagnosed
  • How to get university support if you have dyslexia
  • How to get funding for support if you're a home or overseas student.
  • Where to find free assistive technology software

Afterwards, you'll receive a Welcome pack including:

  • Presentation slides
  • A link to the dyslexia checklist
  • A video demonstration explaining how to use the free assistive technology
  • A DASS Registration form

Important info:

  • This is an information sharing session and so you don't need to actively participate.
  • Please arrive at the session at least five minutes early. If you're late, you might have to book onto another workshop.
  • If you have English as an Additional Language and are on a course with the University Language Centre before starting on another course, don't book on this session. Instead, please call DASS on 0161 275 7512 (or email and book a Quick Query appointment with an advisor.

Booking on

This session will take place on the online video conferencing app Zoom.

Booking onto the session is essential in order to receive the link to join.


This event is open to University students.

This event is about to start soon, so you can no longer register online. Contact the event organiser directly if you wish to attend.