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Note-making: record, review, reflect (on campus)

Wed 5 Feb 2025, 10:00 - 11:30 GMT
AGLC Training Room (-104)


This workshop will help you to develop a more efficient approach to note-taking. In the session you will hear about strategies that will help you to be more critical and purposeful when assessing and recording information. You will get the chance to try out a range of note-taking techniques and develop strategies that suit you. Finally, you will learn how to develop your critical analysis skills and deepen your understanding by returning to your notes to review and reflect on the material.

How to book on

Due to popularity, booking onto the event is essential to ensure a place.

Further support

Talk to us online via Library Chat now. Alternatively, you can email us for advice at


This event is open to University students and staff.

This event is about to start soon, so you can no longer register online. Contact the event organiser directly if you wish to attend.