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Tech Snack & Chat

Fri 17 May 2024, 12:30 - 13:30 BST (GMT+1)
AGLC -104

Tech Snack & Chat

Curious about GenAI, mindmaps, text to speech or other tech you can use to aid your studies? The Library Student Team is organising regular ‘Tech Snack & Chat’ drop-ins on Fridays, where you can come, grab some refreshments and have a go at testing out AI tools and other technologies. We have a list of interesting apps and frameworks to help you think through the ways in which you could use these tools to support your studies.

Booking on

We encourage booking onto the event. You can join the drop-in at any time during the session!

Further support

Talk to us online via Library Chat now. Alternatively, you can email us for advice at


This event is open to University students.

This event is about to start soon, so you can no longer register online. Contact the event organiser directly if you wish to attend.