Printing, photocopying and scanning
Print, copy and scan in the Library
You can print, copy and scan to email using the Multi Functional Devices (MFDs), available at all Library sites and at PC clusters around campus.
Frequently asked questions
How do you add credit to your account?
You can add credit to your print account using the online ePayments system:
Print credit
If you're an entitled to print credit as part of your undergraduate or postgraduate study, you can request this by contacting your School:
What do you need?
To use the MFDs you need:
- Your University ID card (if you don’t have one, contact us).
- A print account. A central printing account is automatically created for you at the same time as your University computing account.
Where can you print from?
You can print from a PC cluster and wirelessly from your own laptop, using University WiFi.
How much does it cost?
Scanning to your University email account is free of charge.
Copying and printing are charged by the number of printed sheets.
Mono (Black and White)
- A4 Single-sided 5p
- A4 Double-sided 8p
- A3 Single-sided 10p
- A3 Double-sided 16p
- A4 Single-sided 21p
- A4 Double-sided 40p
- A3 Single-sided 42p
- A3 Double-sided 80p
Where can you get help?
For general help using the MFDs, please ask a member of Library staff.
Videos showing you how to print, copy and scan can be found on our How to videos page.
For guidance on printing from your device wirelessly please visit the IT services website.
An in-depth guide on printing, copying and scanning is available as a PDF:
Useful links
- Student printing - IT Services website
- Mobile printing - submit print jobs from your browser