| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

N. (E. D. E. ) Heroes of the Reformation: the story of their trials and their triumphs. London, W.B.Horner & Son, 1885. 157+[3]p. 7.5". (902048) 12167

N. (H.) "The church of the firstborn," Heb. xii. 23. [Signed "H.N."] (Cape Town, Saul Solomon & Co., printers,) [n.d.] 22p. (Tracts for the Believer, No. Xerox copy. 6.) 14083,(5)

N. (H.) Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews. A sequel to tract no. 6 [by H. N.]. [N.pl., n.publ., n.d.] 12p. (Tracts for the Believer, no. Xerox copy. 7.) 14083,(6)

N. (J. ) Dost thou believe on the Son of God? (Hamilton, W. Taylor,) [n.d.] 32p. 4.5". 14254

N. (J. R. ) Present day conditions.[By](J.R.N. Reprinted.) [N.pl., n.publ.,](1936). 8p. 5.5". (GC53249) 10890

N. (W. F. H. ) Analysis of the Epistle to the Romans. [N.pl., n.publ., n.d.] [1]p. 8". (G69548) 5903

N. (W. M. ) J.Levi: (the agnostic Jew): a unique trophy of grace. Goodmayes, G.F.Vallance, [n.d.] 8p. 6.5". (902279) Contains a description of J. Levi's conversion. Xerox copy. 13432

NAGEL (G ) Die Zerrissenheit des Gottesvolkes in der Gegenwart... Mit Vorwort von O. Schopf. Witten, Buchhandlung der Stadtmission, (1913). [ii]+90+[4]p. Xerox copy. 14185

NAGEL (Volbrecht) Christian baptism...Translated from the Malayalam by V.P. Jacob. Bombay, G.L.S., 1957. vi+59p. 6.5". (G69667) 5997

NAGEL (Volbrecht) Labourers for foreign fields. Mysore, W.M.Press, (1910). 16p. 7". (GC40871) 3636

NAGEL (Volbrecht) What is true Christianity? (Abridged.) (Bombay, G.L.S.,)[n.d.] [12]p. 4.5". (GC42059) 4085

NAIRNE (W P ) Gilmour of the Mongols. London, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.] 191+[1]p. 9 plates. 7". (835754) (Bright Biographies.) 3229

NAISH (Reginald T ) The midnight hour and after!..Sixth edition,fortieth thousand. London, C.J.Thynne & Jarvis, 1926. ix+[iii]+242+[vi]p. 7". (785220) 10425

NAISH (Reginald T ) 1934 and after! Abyssinia and Italy. "Watchman, what of the night?" London, Thynne & Co., [?1935]. 40p. 7". 14013

NAISMITH (Archibald) 1200 notes, quotes and anecdotes. (Reprinted). London, Pickering & Inglis, (1965). [v]+237p. 9". (772574) 8140

NAISMITH (Archibald) 1200 Scripture outlines through the Bible. London, Pickering & Inglis, 1968. [v]+234p. 9". (GC41027) Inscribed by the author. 8139

NAISMITH (Archibald) God's Christ and God's book, or faith's firm foundations. London, Pickering & Inglis, (1934). 124+[4]p. 7". (GC41681) 8141

NAISMITH (Archibald) God's people and God's purpose, or the hope of Israel and the church. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 321p. 8". (841729) 8142

NAISMITH (Archibald) The local assembly. (Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie,) [n.d.] [8]p. 4.5". (G68110) 2785

NAISMITH (Archibald) Outlines of convention Bible readings given at Ootacamund, Coonoor and Kotagiri during May, 1954. Coonoor, Nilgiri Missionary Association, [?1954]. 17+14+14p. 8.5". (G67552) 2503

NAISMITH (Archibald) The pre-eminence of Christ. (Bangalore City, Bangalore Press,) [n.d.] 9p. 8.5". (GC40770) 3521

NAISMITH (Archibald) Songs of priests & pilgrims: a devotional study of some favourite Psalms. Toronto, Ont., Everyday Publications, 1975. 126p. 8.5". (G79263) 11943

NAISMITH (Archibald) The veil of recognition. [N.pl., n.publ., n.d.] [3]p. Xerox copy. 14133

NAISMITH (James T ) Exhortation, edification and encouragement. Revival sermons deliverd at 150th anniversary of G.D.M. Assemblies at Narsapur. Telugu, Billa Prabhudas Simon Christian Assembly, 1988. 111p. 7.5". (900574) 11942

NAISMITH (James) The Bible: the inerrant word of God? Toronto,Everyday Pubns.,(1978) 29p. 6.5". (767657) (Current Concerns.) 6096

NAISMITH (William Fraser) Faith's radiant path: from grace to glory as illustrated in the book of Ruth. London, Pickering & Inglis, 1930. 64p. 7.5". (901839) 11944

NAISMITH (William Fraser) Was the temptation of Christ real? An assessment of Bible teaching. (Kilmarnock, J.Ritchie,)[n.d.] [8]p. 7". (767690) Catalogued from cover. 6091

NANGLE (Edward) The coming and kingdom of Christ. Dublin, Dublin Tract Repository, (1862). 36p. 5.5". (G63043) 1383

NATIONAL BROTHERS' CONFERENCE, London, 1986. Report of 1986 London Brothers' Conference. [Kelly-Lowe-Glanton circle of fellowship.] Midhurst, The Wharf, [?1986] [i]+15p. 8.5". (900014) Catalogued from cover. Erratum slip attached. 13420

NATURAL RELATION OF GOVERNMENTS TO GOD, The The natural relation of governments to God. Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard & Co., [n.d.] [4]p. 4.5". (GC48240) (Scriptural Truths No.21) 12727

NATURAL RELATION OF MAN TO GOD, The The natural relation of man to God. Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard & Co., [n.d.] [4]p. 4.5". (GC48211) (Scriptural Truths No.1) 12726

NATURE AND CHARACTER OF AN ASSEMBLY OF GOD, The The nature and character of an assembly of God, with remarks on being gathered to the Lord's name. London, C.A. Hammond, 1939. 20p. 6.5". Catalogued from cover. 14255

NATURE AND JOY OF WORSHIP Nature and joy of worship. Dublin, Dublin Tract Repository, [n.d.] 19+[1]p. 7". (G62877/KR18444) 12351,(54)

NATURE AND JOY OF WORSHIP Nature and joy of worship. Dublin, [n.publ., n.d.] 19p. 6.5". (GC41776/KR54) 5594,(4)

NEATBY (Thomas) Deliverance by dying: readings on Galatians ii.19,20. London, A.Holness, [n.d.] 48p. 6.5". (GC42429) Catalogued from cover. 4746

NEATBY (Thomas) From glory to glory: select addresses on the calling, hope, and manifestation of the elect of God ...With introduction by J.R. Caldwell. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [1901]. [vi]+107+[3]p. 6.5". (GC41419) 5488

NEATBY (Thomas) From heart to heart...Writings and addresses,etc. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.]. 109[105]p. Portrait.7".(GC59943) 10424

NEATBY (Thomas) Gathering in the name of the Lord Jesus. (London, A.Holness,)[n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (GC42234) 3891

NEATBY (Thomas) Looking for the Lord: an address on "that blessed hope." Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.] 15+[1]p. 6". (GC40857) (The "Witness" Pamphlets.) 3664

NEATBY (Thomas) Our Lord's coming again; his appearing and reign: six lectures. London, J.F. Shaw, 1877. vii+339p. 7.5". (GC41525) 5480

NEATBY (Thomas) Reception at the Lord's table. (London, T. Neatby,)[1886]. 4p. 7.5". (G67927) 2575

NEATBY (Thomas) Reception at the Lord's table: further remarks. (London, T. Neatby, 1887.) 8p. 7". (G67927/KR12246) 2576

NEATBY (Thomas) Sychar's lessons on worship: addresses on John iv. London, A. Holness, [n.d.] 32p. 5". (GC42916) 3990

NEATBY (Thomas) Thomas Neatby, a memorial. [Correspondence and writings of T. Neatby], edited by his wife. With a biographical sketch by his son W.B. Neatby. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [?1924] 109[105]+[3]p. 2 plates. 7.5". (G63274) 1186

NEATBY (Thomas) Two letters on important subjects relating to fellowship, [the first signed by T. Neatby, the second by seven brethren on behalf of the assembly meeting at Haverstock Hill, London.] [London,] T. Neatby, [?1882]. 23p. 6.5". (G67920) 2578

NEATBY (William Blair) The Christian and war. London, for the Friends' Home Mission and Extension Com. by Friends' Tract Assoc., 1915. 15p. 8.5". (GC48001) 6259

NEATBY (William Blair) A history of the Plymouth Brethren. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1901. xii+348p. Frontis. 8". 10567

NEATBY (William Blair) A history of the Plymouth Brethren...Second edition. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1902. xvi+358p. Frontis. 8". (GC-41487) 3262,(3)

NEATBY (William Blair) A history of the Plymouth Brethren...Second edition. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1902. xvi+358p. 8". (836166) 3294

NEATBY (William Blair) The programme of the Jesuits: a popular exposition. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1903. xvi+200p. 7". (771696) 8145

NEATBY (William Blair) Songs of redemption. Compiled and edited by W.Blair Neatby. London, A.Holness, [?1893]. xii+260p. 6.5". (776347) 9634

NEBEKER (Gary Lynn) The hope of heavenly glory in John Nelson Darby, 1800-1882: a dissertation... for the degree of Doctory of Philosophy. Dallas Theological Seminary, 1997. Xerox copy of typescript. [vi]+viii[vii]+286p. 8.5". 14315

NEE (Watchman) Changed into his likeness. (Reprinted.) London, Victory Pr., (1967). 123p. 8.5". (773924) LS 206

NEE (Watchman) Deep calleth unto deep. (Anaheim,Calif., Stream Publishers,)[n.d.] 11+[1]p. 5.5". (772490) LS 48

NEE (Watchman) Expecting the Lord's blessing. (Los Angeles, Stream Publishers,)[n.d.] [i]+19+[2]p. 5.5". (772495) LS 65

NEE (Watchman) Further talks on the church life. (Reprinted.) Los Angeles, Stream Publishers, (1974). 170p. 8". (772535) LS 10

NEE (Watchman) The glorious church. [Translated from the Chinese "Sheng chieh mo yu hsia tz'u ."] (Reprinted.) Los Angeles, Stream Publishers, (1974). 160p. 8". (772536) LS 9

NEE (Watchman) God's keeping power. (Anaheim,Calif., Stream Publishers,)[n.d.] 10+[1]p. 5.5". (772494) LS 45

NEE (Watchman) God's purpose and God's rest. (Los Angeles, Stream Publishers,)[n.d.] 10+[1]p. 5". (772493) LS 46

NEE (Watchman) Love not the world. London, Victory Pr., (1968). 88p. 8.5". (773925) LS 205

NEE (Watchman) Ministry to the house or to the Lord. (Los Angeles, Stream Publishers,)[n.d.] 15+[1]p. 5". (772492) LS 47

NEE (Watchman) The new covenant. Anaheim,Calif., Living Stream Ministry, (1981). 174p. 8.5". (772521) LS 4

NEE (Watchman) The normal Christian church life. [Translated from the Chinese "Kung tso ti tsai ssu ."] Anaheim,Calif., Living Stream Ministry, (1980). 218p. 8.5". (772530) LS 15

NEE (Watchman) The normal Christian life. Bombay, G.L.S., (1957). [vii]+158p. 8.5". (GC41543) LS 126

NEE (Watchman) The orthodoxy of the church. [Translated from the Chinese "Chiao hui ti cheng t'ung ." On Revelation 1-3.] (Reprinted.) Los Angeles, Stream Publishers, (1975). 109p. 8.5". (772543) LS 21

NEE (Watchman) Our most reasonable service. Compiled from the writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. (Second edition.) Anaheim,Calif., Living Stream Ministry, (1980). 28p. 8.5". (772514) LS 35

NEE (Watchman) The problem of the unity of the church. (A chapter from "Further talks on the church life.") [Reprinted.] Anaheim,Calif., Living Stream Ministry, (1980). [ii]+63p. 8.5". (772532) LS 40

NEE (Watchman) The release of the Spirit. [Translated from the Chinese "Jen ti p'o sui yu ling ti ch'u lai ."] (Reprint.) Bromley, Send the Light Trust, (1968). 94p. 7". (836179) LS 123

NEE (Watchman) The salvation of the soul...Translated from the Chinese. New York, Christian Fellowship Publishers, 1978. [vi]+115+[1]p. 7.5". (902039) LS 312

NEE (Watchman) Sit, walk, stand. [Meditations in Ephesians.] (First British edition.) London, Witness and Testimony, (1958) xii+64p. 7". (836178) LS 124

NEE (Watchman) Sit, walk, stand. [Meditations in Ephesians.] (Third edition, reprinted.) Bombay, G.L.S., (1967). viii+64p. 6.5". (G69666) LS 291

NEE (Watchman) Special grace and reserve grace. (Anaheim,Calif., Stream Publishers,)[n.d.] [i]+17+[2]p. 5.5". (772491) LS 64

NEE (Watchman) Two principles of conduct. (Anaheim,Calif., Stream Publishers,)[n.d.] 19+[1]p. 6". (772504) LS 50

NEEDED TRAINING, The The needed training for all true service for God. [N.pl. n.publ., n.d.] 12p. 6.5". (GC41756) Wanting the title-page. 5439,(7)

NEEDED TRUTH A consideration of various doctrines & practices of church & churches of God who publish "Needed truth" and church & churches of God who issue "Springs of truth". [N.pl., n.publ.,] 1971. Duplicated typescript. [ii]+19p. Xerox copy. 13791

NEEDED TRUTH Doctrines of the Holy Scriptures. Issued by the "Needed Truth" Publishing Office. London, R.D.Cole, [n.d.] 84p. 5". (G67480) 2434

NEEDED TRUTH Index for volumes of "Needed truth" from 1886 to 1930, and "Wholesome words" from 1909 to 1913. Compiled by A.Chamings. [?London,] Needed Truth Pub. Office, (1937). 48p. 8.5". (G60648) Per.

NEEDED TRUTH Needed truth, etc. London, C.M.Luxmore, 1888-94, 1898-1908,1914-37,1943-44, 1946-56,1961-4,1968-71,1976 [1982-84,1985-]. Vol.I-VI,X-XLV,L-LI,LIII-LXIII, XLVIII-XLIX,LXX-LXXI,LXXV- XLVIII-XLIX,LXX-LXXI,LXXV- LXXVIII,LXXXIII-XCI,XCII- (G60646) Publisher and place of publication vary. Vol.L,LI,LXXV,XC,XCI incomplete. "Needed truth" was not published during the years 1909-13, when "Wholesome words" was substituted for this publication. Per.

NEERSKOV (Hans Kristian) Er Bibelen trovaerdig? Soborg, Dansk Europamission, [n.d.] 23+[1]p. 6". (782841) 13443

NEHLS (Gerhard) Al-Kitab, "the book:" a Bible correspondence course for Muslims. Wellington,RSA., Biblecor, (1985). [iv]+ 77p. 8". (G72008) 11423

NEHLS (Gerhard) Approved methods of honest and reliable Bible study and its presentation: exegesis, hermeneutics, homiletics. (Johannesburg, G. Nehls,) [n.d.] [ii]+25p. 7". (G72009) 9213

NEHLS (Gerhard) Christ put the key in our hand. (Bellville, Evangelical Mission Press,)[n.d.] [i]+30p. 7.5". (G72010) 9214

NEHLS (Gerhard) Communicating faith today. (Maitland, C. Blackshaw,) [n.d.] 24p. 6". (G71968) 9216

NEHLS (Gerhard) Comparing, confusing, considering, concluding. [Bellville,](Evangelical Mission Press,)[n.d.] 24p. 7.5". (G71969) 9215

NEHLS (Gerhard) Destination unknown. [Bellville,](Evangelical Mission Press,)[n.d.] 19+[1]p. 7.5". (G71970) 9212

NEHLS (Gerhard) Dont't believe it! See the evidence first. (Bellville, Evangelical Mission Press,)[n.d.] [ii]+51+[1]p. 7". (G71971) 9211

NEHLS (Gerhard) Fact or feeling: an intelligent approach to faith. (Bellville, Evangelical Mission Press,)[n.d.] [i]+22p. 6.5". (G71972) 9217

NEHLS (Gerhard) The great commission: you and the Muslims. (Revised edition.) (Claremont,S.A., "Life Challenge",)[c.1980]. iii+[v]+136p. 7.5". (G72013) 9281

NEHLS (Gerhard) Hinduism: a survey and outline. (Bellville, Evangelical Mission Press,)[n.d.] 8p. 7". (G71961) Catalogued from cover. 9232

NEHLS (Gerhard) Purpose and aim. [?Bellville, ?Evangelical Mission Press, n.d.] 11p. 7". (G71962) 9210

NEILL (Margaret P ) Beauty for ashes: the Sploancos and what they did. London, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.]. 158[156]p. Frontis. 7". (G77050) 10717

NEILSON (George Alexander) Tales of great truths. London, Pickering & Inglis, 1949. 107+[1]p. 7". (842660/KR3362) 8981

NEILSON (George Alexander) Winning the child for Christ: original object and flannelgraph lessons...With foreword by M. Goodman. London, Pickering & Inglis, 1947. 111+[1]p. 7". (772189) 8146

NELSON (Robert) Appeal and warnings to my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, who are in Mr. John N. Darby's connexion. Bristol, J.Wright, 1874. 16p. 7". (G59751) 36

NELSON (Robert) Comments on the Epistle to the Hebrews. London, Morgan & Chase, 1868. xxiii+420+[4]p. 7" (GC-41195) With proprietary signature of W.E. Vine. 3264

NELSON (Robert) The emigrant ship: a parable. [N.pl., n.publ., n.d.] 12p. 6.5". (GC41756/KR4119) Wanting the title-page. 5439,(2)

NELSON (Robert) The King of kings and Lord of lords: an attempt to trace the divine records of his life on earth and his reign in glory. London, S.W.Partridge, 1879. xxiv+475+[5]p. 7". (GC-41581) 3263

NELSON (Robert) The language of angels and of the Son of God. [By R.Nelson.] (Frome, Butler & Tanner,) [n.d.] 20p. 2 folding charts. 7". (GC41762/KR4334) Wanting the title-page. 5444,(3)

NELSON (Robert) The language of angels and of the Son of God. [By R. Nelson.] (Frome, Butler & Tanner,) [n.d.] 20p. 2 folding charts. 7". (GC41762) Wanting the title-page. 5444,(3)

NELSON (Robert) The Nazarite. London, Bagster and Sons,1876. 40p. 6.5". (GC41796/KR109) With proprietary signature of W.R. Lewis. 5596,(1)

NELSON (Robert) On the Epistle of James. London, S. Bagster, 1872. xi+92+[1]p. 7.5". (GC-41655) 3265

NELSON (Robert) On the ministry of women. [An examination of]("The ministry of women," by A.O.M)[olesworth]... Second edition. London, W.B. Horner, [n.d.] 16p. 6.5". (GC42282) 4785

NELSON (Robert) On union in Christ and sectarianism. (London,) [n.publ., n.d.] 24p. Xerox copy. 13849

NELSON (Robert) Protest against the proceedings of Mr. John N. Darby. Tunbridge Wells, pr. by H. Colbran, [1852). 10p. 7". (G59727) 12

NELSON (Robert) To certain brethren meeting in the name of the Lord Jesus, who have been excommunicating others on account of errors in doctrine. [A letter.] (Brodrick,)[n.publ.,](1849). 11p. 6". (G59738) 23

NELSON (Robert) To my brothers & sisters in Christ Jesus, meeting in Albion Street. (Cheltenham, pr. by W. Clee, 1861). 4p. 7". (G59749) 34

NELSON (Robert) The wisdom, power, and goodness of God as displayed in the creation. London, B. Horner, [n.d.] 32p. 7". (GC41762) 5444,(4)

NELSON (Roger W ) Faithless,erroneous reasoning.[By] R.W.N[elson.] 2nd ed. [N.pl., n.publ.,](1973.) 35p. 8.5". (GC54322) 11418

NELSON (Roger W ) "From Egypt to Canaan:" lectures on a chart. (Yeadon,Pa., R.W.Nelson,1975.) [ii]+29p. 8.5". (GC54319) With folding chart attached. 11415

NELSON (Roger W ) "Not as pleasing men:" including excerpts from data pertaining to "reunion,"1913-1972.[By] R.W. N[elson. Marked] ("For private circulation.") [N.pl., n.publ.,] 1972. 32p. 7". (GC54321) 11417

NELSON (W R ) Have we changed? [Marked] ("For private circulation only.") [N.pl., n.publ.,](1967.) 12p. 6". (GC54318) 11419

NEW AND CONCISE BIBLE DICTIONARY, A A new and concise Bible dictionary, etc. London, G.Morrish,[1897-1900]. [2 vol.] 2 folding maps. 9.5". (GC-41601) Interleaved with notes and cuttings and annotated in manuscript. 2536

NEW AND CONCISE BIBLE DICTIONARY, A A new and concise Bible dictionary ...[Photographic reprint of the edition] London, [1897-1900]. Addison, Ill., Bible Truth Publishers, [c.1975]. vii+880p. 9.5". (827916) 867

NEW BIRTH, The The new birth. Bromley, The Literature Depot, [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (GC45928) (Bible Truths No.1) 13397

NEW CREATION New creation. London, James Carter, [n.d.] Pts.1-2. 4". (900433) (Prophetic Series Nos.52-56) 12725

NEW NATURE, The The new nature and the Spirit of God. Part I. (Rotherham, J. Dawes,)[n.d.] 12p. 6.5". (GC41772/KR372) 5602,(4)

NEW YORK Notes of New York City reading,etc. Kingston-on-Thames, Stow Hill Bible and Tract Depot, 1967-70. Nos.1,2,4-13,31,37-41,52-69. (GC43372) Per.

NEW YORK Notes of readings in New York and other ministry. Hampton Wick, Stow Hill Bible and Tract Depot, 1933-36,1940, 1942,1956-69. (GC43212) Per.

NEW YORK Notes of readings in New York and other ministry. Kingston-on-Thames, Stow Hill Bible and Tract Depot, 1968-70. Index to Vol.37; Vol.38-39 no.9. (GC43336) Per.

NEW YORK Private correspondence between New York, London, and Shanghai [concerning Watchman Nee], 14th October, 1933 to May 4th, 1934, [written by J. Taylor and others.] [N.pl., n.publ. 1934.] 23p. 10.5". 13779

NEW YORK, City of.- Bible Truth Hall A brief report of the conference held at 124 East 27th Street, New York City, October 12th and 13th, 1928, [in consideration of] (the tractate of Mr. J. Boyd, "The incarnation of the Son.") (NewYork, C.A.W. Herrmann, 1928.) 12p. 6". (G59920) 154

NEW YORK, City of.- Bible Truth Hall Historical facts, 1909-28, [concerning] (the James Boyd matter.) New York, Bible Truth & Gospel Hall, (1928). 71p. 6". (G59893) 128

NEW YORK, City of.- Bible Truth Hall Letter from the New York gathering [in criticism of](J. Boyd's tractate "The incarnation of the Son.") New York, Bible Truth & Gospel Hall, (1929). 31p. 6". (G59887) 122

NEW YORK, City of.- Bible Truth Hall A statement by the New York gathering. New York, Bible Truth Hall, (1928). [4]p. 5.5". (G59888) 123

NEW ZEALAND ASSEMBLY MISSIONARY MANUAL New Zealand assembly missionary manual: for daily use in prayer listing missionaries commended by New Zealand assemblies, etc. Palmerston North, G.P.H. Society, 1969,1984. (KR3691) 1969 edition compiled by W.J. Corpe and included dedicatory inscription by him. Per.

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The brazen altar: notes of an address delivered at Mildmay... Reprinted from "The Christian." London, W.B.Horner, [n.d.] 14+[1]p. 5". (GC40719) 3565

NEWBERRY (Thomas) A brief outline of the book of the Revelation. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [c.1891]. 34+[10]p. 7". (G60440) 345

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The church according to Scripture. Kilmarnock, J.Ritchie, [n.d.] 12p. 5". (G65915) 1785

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Companion to the Englishman's Bible. London, Hodder and Stoughton, [n.d.] 45+[1]p. 10.5". (GC41306) 5473

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The days of the Passover, crucifix- ion, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. London, Hodder and Stoughton, [1888]. 26+[1]p. 1 folding chart. 8". (GC41576) 5471

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The days of the Passover, crucifix- ion, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus...Second edition. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1889. 26+[1]p. 1 folding chart. 8". (776331) 9633

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The expected one: or the coming of the Son of God from heaven, and his manifestation as Son of Man to earth. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 97+[3]p. 6.5". (GC40965) 3741

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The expected one: or the coming of the Son of God from heaven, and his manifestation as Son of Man to earth. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 97+[3]p. 6". (GC41160) 5476

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Jesus in the midst; or, the centre of gathering, and the first principles of the church of God, as given in Matthew xvi & xviii... Third edition. London, W.H.Broom, [n.d.] 32p. 7". (900151) 12662

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Jesus in the midst, or the true centre of gathering. (Fifth edition.) Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.] 32p. 4.5". (GC41937) 4961

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Jesus in the midst, or the true centre of gathering. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.] 32p. 4.5". (G63833) 2207

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The loose ground of gathering, and neutral position as to Christ examined: a review of an apology for these principles, in a letter to a friend. London, G. Morrish, [c.1861]. 23p. 6.5". (G59754) 39

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The loose ground of gathering, and neutral position as to Christ examined: being a review of an apology for these principles, in a letter to a friend. With an appendix, containing the letter of the nine...Second edition. London, G. Morrish, 1863. 24p. 7". (G59737) 22

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The loose ground of gathering, and neutral position as to Christ examined: being a review of an apology for these principles, in a letter to a friend. With an appendix, containing the letter of the nine...Second edition. London, G. Morrish, 1863. 24p. 7". (GC41790) 5446,(3)

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The loose ground of gathering, and neutral position as to Christ examined: being a review of an apology for these principles, in a letter to a friend. With an appendix, containing the letter of the nine...Second edition. London, G. Morrish, 1863. 24p. 6.5". (GC41788/KR20) 5447,(14)

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The millennial reign and the everlasting kingdom. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.] 24p. 7.5". (GC42565) 4413

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Notes on the book of Revelation: taking up each chapter in order. Kilmarnock, J.Ritchie,[n.d.]. 151p. 8". (785219) 10423

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Notes on the book of Revelation... Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, J.F. Shaw, [1892]. 151+[1]p. 8.5". (836447) 3234

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Notes on the book of the Revelation ...Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, J.F. Shaw, [1892]. 151+[1]p. 8.5". (GC41362) 5475

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The parables of the Lord Jesus Christ, analysed and explained. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.] iv+244[236]+[4]p. 7".(G69592) 5466

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The Passover and the Lord's Supper. London, J. E. Hawkins, [1884]. 16p. 5". (GC41865) 4173

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The perfections and excellencies of Holy Scripture. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie,[n.d.] 56+[4]p. 6". (GC41531) 5463

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The perfections and excellencies of Holy Scripture. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 56+[4]p. 6". (GC41656) 5464

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Quotations & remarks; or, conscientious objections to an alleged third class of Christ's sufferings under the government of God, as set forth in a tract entitled the "Sufferings of Christ" [by J.N. Darby], considered especially in connection with the doctrine of the atonement, etc. London, Haughton, (1872). 31p. 7". (G67798) 2991

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Quotations & remarks; or, conscientious objections to an alleged third class of Christ's sufferings under the government of God, as set forth in a tract entitled the "Sufferings of Christ" [by J.N. Darby], considered especially in connection with the doctrine of the atonement, etc. London, Haughton, (1872). 31p. 7.5". (GC41919). 4960

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The serpent and his subtlety: an address given at the Clifton Conference. Weston-super-mare, Davies Bros., [n.d.] 14+[2]p. 4.5". (GC41958) 4962

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The simplicity and perfection of the Hebrew Scriptures, explained and made manifest to the ordinary reader. A companion to the "Englishman's Bible." London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, [n.d.] 16p. 8.5". (GC41969) 4025

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The simplicity and perfection of the Hebrew Scriptures, explained and made manifest to the ordinary reader. A companion to the "Englishman's Bible." London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, [n.d.] 16p. 1 folding chart. 8.5". (GC41306/KR12319) 5472

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Solar light as illustrating trinity in unity. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.] 103+[9]p. 6.5". (GC41651) 5465

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The Song of Solomon. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 78+[2]p. 7". (GC41289) 5468

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Strong consolation: an address to Christians. London, J.E. Hawkins, [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (GC40927) 3711

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The tabernacle and the temple: notes on the tabernacle in the wilderness; and the temple of Solomon compared with that of Ezekiel, etc. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1887. 114p. 3 plates; 2 folding plates; 1 map. 10.5". (GC41604) 5474

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The tabernacle, the temple, and the offerings: their types and teachings. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 151+[1]+112[108]+123[121]p. 12 plates. 7". (GC41238) 5467

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The temple of Solomon: notes of addresses delivered at the Victoria Hall, Weston-super-mare. London, J. Nisbet, 1887. 60+[3]p. 7". (GC41051) 5478

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The temples of Solomon and Ezekiel: their marvellous structure and spiritual significance, etc. Glasgow, Witness Office, [n.d.] 75+[6]p. Frontis. 6.5". (G63441) 1683

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The temples of Solomon and Ezekiel: their marvellous structure and spiritual significance...Second edition. Glasgow, Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.] viii+75[73]+[9]p. Frontis. 6.5". (776351) (The Believer's Library.) With proprietary signature of W.J.Hocking. 9654

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Types of the levitical offerings. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 128[126]+[4]p. 2 plates. 7". (GC41264) 5470

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Types of the levitical offerings... Second edition. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 123p. 7". (771689) 8143

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Types of the levitical offerings... Third edition. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie,[n.d.] 123p. 7". (GC39884) 3330

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Types of the levitical offerings... Third edition. Kilmarnock, Ritchie, [n.d.]. 123p. 7.5". (901773) 11945

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Types of the tabernacle. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 161+[9]p. 6 plates. 7". (771695) 8144

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Types of the tabernacle...Second edition. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 151+[1]p. 8 plates. 7". (776332) 9632

NEWBERRY (Thomas) Types of the temple. Kilmarnock, J. Ritchie, [n.d.] 112[110]p. 2 plates. 7.5". (GC41174) 5469

NEWBERRY (Thomas) The works of T. Newberry. [Includes photographic reprints of "The temples of Solomon and Ezekiel," "The parables of the Lord Jesus," and "The book of Revelation."] Glasgow, G.T.P., 1979. 461p. 6.5". (767680) (Assembly Writers Library, vol.I.) 5477

NEWBERRY (W F H ) Key to the dispensational and prophetical diagram. Glasgow, Publg. Office,[1884]. 16p. 6". (GC41676/KR4326) 5181,(3)

NEWMAN (Francis William) Phases of faith; or, passages from the history of my creed. London, J. Chapman, 1850. [i]+iv+[ii]+234p. Xerox copy. 14282

NEWMAN (Francis William) Phases of faith; or, passages from the history of my creed... New edition, with reply to Professor Henry Rogers, author of "The eclipse of faith." London, Trubner, 1881. [ii]+vii+212+4p. 7.5". (G63463) 1651

NEWMAN (Francis William) The soul, its sorrows and its aspirations: an essay towards the natural history of the soul, as the true basis of theology...New edition. London, Trubner, 1877. xi+[i]+162p. 7.5". (786617) 9964

NEWMAN (John Henry) Apologia pro vita sua: being a history of his religious opinions. London, Longmans,Green,1888. xxviii+395p. 7.5". (G73899) 10422

NEWMARK (Herman) Why the British-Israel theory is contrary to the Gospel. Wealdstone, H. Newmark,[n.d.] 15p. 6.5". (G68082) 2756

NEWS FROM COUNTIES News from counties. Westbury, Counties Evangelistic Work, 1983- No.72-74,76- (KR3693) Per.

NEWS OF QUEBEC News of Quebec. (Quebec, News of Quebec,) 1963,1975,1979- Vol.18,30,34- (KR3692) Imperfect. Per.

NEWS OF SALVATION News of salvation. (Edited by W.E.Sibthorpe.) (Tunbridge Wells, W.E. Sibthorpe, 1931,1941-52). Vol.XXVIII no.317; XXXVI-XLVII. (GC43923) Vols.XXXVI-XL are entitled "News of salvation and the children's gospel magazine." Per.

NEWTH (F ) "Parousia:" an enquiry as to the interval between the Lord's coming for his church and with his church. London, J.E. Hawkins, (1886). 52p. 6". (GC42534) With proprietary signature of W.R. Lewis. 4412

NEWTON (Benamin Wills) B.W. Newton on ministry and order in the church of Christ. [An anthology prepared by] (C.W.H. Griffiths). (Ashford, Pearl Publications, 1997.) 127p. 8". 14314

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Acceptance with God...Seventh edition. London, Houlston & Sons,[n.d.] 11+[1]p. 4". (DA3EW) 13527,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Acceptance with God...Eighth edition. Worthing, E.J. Burnett, [n.d.] 8p. 4". (GC49283) 6395

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Acceptance with God. [By B.W. Newton.] (London, Houlston & Wright,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR659) 6377,(26)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Acceptance with God. London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.] [4]p. 7". (GC49371) 6349

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Access, sustainment, service. Heb. xiii. 10,16.[By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2974) (The "Patmos" Series. No.6.) 8164,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Address respecting the methods of the Salvation Army. London, Houlston, 1882. 23p. 6.5". (DA3EW) 13527,(34)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Address respecting the methods of the Salvation Army. London, Houlston, 1882. 23p. 7". (GC41762) 5444,(13)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Address respecting the methods of the Salvation Army. London, Houlston & Sons, 1882. 23p. 7". (GC41778/KR784) 5608,(10)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Aids to prophetic enquiry... Third edition, considerably enlarged. London, Houlston and Sons, 1881. x+469p. 7". (DA3EE) 13514

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Aids to prophetic enquiry...Third edition considerably enlarged. London, Houlston, 1881. x+469+[2]p. 7". (836167) 3242

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) All believers are priests. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 16.) 13527,(20)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The altar, table, and supper of the Lord. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 15.) 13527,(19)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The altered translation of Genesis ii.5, as given in the Revised English Version, considered. London, Houlston, 1888. 76p. 7". (DA3EM) 13520,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The altered translation of Genesis ii.5, as given in the Revised English Version, considered. London, Houlston, 1888. 76p. 7". (755912) 731

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The altered translation of Genesis ii.5, as given in the Revised English Version, considered. London, Houlston, 1888. 76p. 7". (755913) 739,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ancient truths respecting the deity and true humanity of the Lord Jesus. London, Houlston and Wright, 1857. 28p. 7". (GC41790) 5446,(23)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ancient truths respecting the deity and true humanity of the Lord Jesus. London, Houlston and Wright, 1857. P.12-13. 7.5". (841736/KR1016) Xerox copy, with manuscript annotations by J.N. Darby. 5540,(534)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ancient truths respecting the deity and true humanity of the Lord Jesus...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1869. 30+4p. 7". (755907) 729

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ancient truths respecting the deity and true humanity of the Lord Jesus...Second edition. London, Houlston & Wright, 1869. 30+4p. 7". (GC40785) With proprietary signature of W.R.Lewis. 3507

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ancient truths respecting the deity and true humanity of the Lord Jesus; Christ, our suffering surety; Note on 1 Peter ii. 24... Second edition. London, Houlston, 1893. [iii]+118p. 7". (DA3EQ) 13523,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ancient truths respecting the deity and true humanity of the Lord Jesus; Christ, our suffering surety; Note on 1 Peter ii. 24... Second edition. London, Houlston, 1893. [iii]+118p. 7". (836473) 3357

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Answers to questions on propriety of leaving the Church of England. [Signed] ("B.W.N.",) [i.e. B.W. Newton.] London, (J. Wertheimer,) 1841. 18p. (G76475) Microfilm copy. 13620,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Antichrist and Babylon", with an exposition of Daniel xi. [By B.W. Newton.] Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard & Co., [n.d.] 16p. 7". 10973

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Antichrist future: a tract written with relation to certain lectures recently delivered at the Town Hall, Worthing. London, Houlston & Wright, [?1859]. 27+[1]p. 7". 14697

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Antichrist future: a tract written with relation to certain lectures previously delivered at the Town Hall, Worthing; also, The 1260 days of Antichrist's reign future...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1900. [ii]+83p. 7". (DA3EU) 13526,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Antichrist future: a tract written with relation to certain lectures previously delivered at the Town Hall, Worthing; also, The 1260 days of Antichrist's reign future...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1900. [ii]+83+[2]p. 7". (755900) 712

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Apostolic succession": a review of "Protestant Christendom." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 18+[2]p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3034) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.5.) 8165,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Appointments of God in judgment and in mercy considered. London, Houlston, 1895. [ii]+55+[1]p. 7". (DA3ER) 13524,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Appointments of God in judgement and in mercy considered. London, Houlston, 1895. [ii]+55+[2]p. 7.5". (G69410) 3467

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Appointments of God in judgement and in mercy considered. London, Houlston, 1895. [ii]+55+[2]p. 7". (GC42607) 4197

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Atonement and its results. London, Houlston & Sons, 1882. [vi]+121+[2]p. 7.5". (901809) 11951

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Atonement and its results. London, Houlston & Sons, 1882. [v]+121p. 7". (DA3EQ) 13523,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Atonement and its results. London, Houlston & Sons, 1902. [vi]+120+[2]p. 7.5". (901810) 11952

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Atonement and its results. (Third edition.) London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, (1965). 91p. 7". (755910) 716

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Atonement saveth...Second edition. London, L.Collins, 1912. 16p. 7". (755906) Catalogued from cover. 728

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Audi alteram partem," hear the other side. [A defence of B.W. Newton, marked](for private circulation. Extract from "Watchword & Truth".) [London, n.publ., n.d.] [4]p. 7". (GC48170) 6209

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Babylon, its future history and doom, with remarks on the future of Egypt and other eastern countries...Third edition. London, Houlston, 1890. xvi+642+2p. 7". (836450) 3243

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Babylon: its future history and doom, with remarks on the future of Egypt and other eastern countries ...Third edition. London, Houlston, 1890. xvi+642p. 7". (DA3EF) 13515

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Babylonianism": its manifestation and doom. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 11+[1]p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3043) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.14.) 8165,(13)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Baptism. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 14.) 13527,(18)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Baptism of the Holy Spirit. (3rd edition, enlarged.) (London, J. Tamblyn,)[n.d.] [4]p. 5". (GC48168) 6210

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Baptism." What it signifies. Who the right subjects.[By B.W.Newton.] (2nd edition.) (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2986) (The "Patmos" Series, No.18.) 8164,(18)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Believers' life-work. [By B.W. Newton,] etc. (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2972) (The "Patmos" Series. No.4.) 8164,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Believers' prospects: or the saints in glory; a millennial picture. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 18+[2]p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3033) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.4.) 8165,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The blood that saveth. (London, G. Hunt, 1860.) 8p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR660) 6377,(27)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The blood that saves. London, Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.] [6]p. 8". (GC46768) 5777

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The blood that saveth...Eighth edition. London, Houlston & Sons,[n.d.] 20p. 4". (DA3EW) 13527,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The blood that saveth...Ninth edition. London, Houlston & Sons,[n.d.] 20p. 4". (GC44254) 6422

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Il sangue che salva. [Italian translation of "The blood that saveth".] Napoli, G. de Angelis e Figlio, 1884. 10p. (G76475) Microfilm copy. 13620,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Das Brandopfer, 3. Buch Mose 1. Kapitel, als Typus auf Christus, biblisch erortert. [German translation of "Thoughts on parts of Leviticus."] Halle, J. Fricke, 1861. 78[77]+[2]p. 6.5". (DA3EW) (Gedanken uber Theile des Dritten Buches Mose, I.) 13527,(38)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The brazen serpent. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 2.) 13527,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) B.W. Newton. [Biographical note.] [N.pl., n.publ.,] 1922. [1]p. 7". (KR3249) 9049

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The calling of the Gentiles. The "new meat-offering." Romans xv., xvi. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2997) (The "Patmos" Series, No.29.) 8164,(29)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Catholicity, in a dispensation of failure, a sure token of apostasy ...Third edition. London, Houlston, 1892. iv+42p. 7". (D3ERT) 13525,(7)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Catholicity, in a dispensation of failure, a sure token of apostasy ...Third edition. London, Houlston, 1892. [ii]+iv+42p. 7". (755908) 730

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The character of Christ. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 9.) 13527,(13)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Christ, our suffering surety, Hebrews ii.10 and v.7. London, Houlston & Wright, 1858. 65+[1]p. 7". (GC44253) 5087

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Christ, our suffering surety, Hebrews ii.10 and v.7. London,Houlston & Wright,1858. 65p. 7". (GC41790) 5446,(22)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Christendom: a retrospective and prospective outline...Reprinted from "Babylon: its future history and doom, with remarks on the future of Egypt, and other Eastern countries." London, Hunt,Barnard, [n.d.] [iv]+184+iv+[3]p. 7". (755909) 736

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Christendom: its course and doom. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 20p. 7". (G69492/KR3062) 8166,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Christian parents and their children. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 12.) 13527,(16)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Christian progress," or, "faith and discipleship." (Matthew viii.) [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3001) (The "Patmos" Series, No.33.) 8164,(33)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Christian remnant and the Jewish remnant at "the time of the end." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3047) ("Time of the End" Series, No.18.) 8165,(17)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Circumcision. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 13.) 13527,(17)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The claims of God met! How? Leviticus i.-vii. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 14+[2]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3002) (The "Patmos" Series, No.34.) 8164,(34)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Consecutive events in connection with the "day of the Lord." [By B.W.Newton.] (Revised edition. 10th thousand.) (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3045) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.16.) 8165,(15)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Conversation on the seventeenth chapter of Revelation. London, Partridge, Oakey, and Co., 1855. 22+[1]p. 6.5". 14701

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Conversation on the seventeenth chapter of the Revelation...Third edition. Worthing, E.J.Burnett, 1925. 22+[2]p. 7". (GC44255) 5088

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Conversion: what is it? (John iii. Ezek. xviii.) [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3009) (The "Patmos" Series, No.41.) 8164,(41)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Correspondence relating to Mr. Newton's refusal to appear before the saints at Rawstorne Street, London, according to the two citations which issued from them, November 20th, to 15th December, Plymouth, Tract Depot, 1846. 1846. 50[48]p. 14162

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Correspondence, etc., relating to Mr. Newton's refusal to appear before the saints at Rawstorne Street, London, according to the two citations which issued from them, November 20th, to 15th December, 1846. Plymouth, Tract Depot, 1846. 50[48]p. 7". (GC49362/KR352) Different title-page to CBA 14162. 6374,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Counsels to converts. (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard & Co.,) [n.d.] [2]p. 7.5". (DA3XP) 13588

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Creation's groan," and the "glory that shall follow."(Romans viii.) [By B.W.Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3004) (The "Patmos" Series, No.36.) 8164,(36)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) David restoring the ark. (Reprinted from "David, the King of Israel.") London, J. Nisbet, 1851. 21+[1]p. 7". (GC48351) 9018

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) David, the King of Israel... Second edition, revised. London, Houlston, 1874. [vii]+158p. 7". (DA3EN) 13521,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) David, the King of Israel... Second edition, revised. London, Houlston, 1874. [vi]+158+[2]p. 7". .(GC41572) 8159

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The day of the Lord: notes comprising the substance of a lecture... on Zechariah xiv. Exeter, Tract and Stationery Depot, [n.d.] 20p. 7". 14700

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The day of the Lord: a lecture on Zecharian xiv...Sixth edition. London, Houlston and Sons, 1891. 23p. 7". (DA3EU) 13526,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The day of the Lord: a lecture on Zechariah xiv...Eighth edition. Worthing, E.J.Burnett, (1931). 24p. 7". (GC44248) 5085

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The disciples' prayer. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2998) (The "Patmos" Series, No.30.) 8164,(30)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Doctrine of Scripture respecting baptism briefly considered. London, Houlston & Wright, (1859). 2 pt. 7". (DA3ER) 13524,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Doctrine of Scripture respecting baptism briefly considered. London, Houlston & Wright, [c.1900] 81+[4]p. 6.5". (772660) 8152

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The doctrine of Scripture respecting baptism briefly considered...Second edition. London, L.Collins, 1907. [iv]+150+[2]p. 7". (755920) 741

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The doctrine of Scripture respecting baptism briefly considered...Second edition. London, L. Collins, 1907. [iv]+150+[2]p. 7". (G63460) With manuscript annotations. 1669

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Doctrines of Popery on Holy Scripture and tradition, as established by the Council of Trent...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1883. 86p. 7". (D3ERT) 13525,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Doctrines of Popery on Holy Scripture and tradition, as established by the Council of Trent, considered...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1883. 86+2p. 7.5". (755901) 713

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Doctrines of Popery, as established by the Council of Trent,considered, etc. London, J.Nisbet, 1851. Nos.1-2[in 1 vol.] 6.5". (G63357) 1143

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Doctrines of popery, as established by the Council of Trent, considered. No. II: On original sin. London, J. Nisbet, 1851. 28p. 7". (D3ERT) 13525,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Duty of giving heed to the predictions of Scripture respecting events that are to precede the return of our Lord...Third edition. London, L. Collins, 1913. 32p. 7". (G65957) 2125

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) An effect of the doctrines animadverted on in preceding tracts. London, Houlston and Sons, 1884. 38p. 7". (DD2QT) 11871

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) An effect of the doctrines animadverted on in preceding tracts. London, Houlston and Sons, 1884. 38p. 7". (D3ERT) 13525,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Elementary studies in Leviticus xiv. on the leper cleansed. [By B.W. Newton.] (Isle of Wight, Yelf Bros.,) [n.d.] 30p. 7". (842690) 9165

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Elementary studies in Leviticus xxiii. on the seven "feasts of the Lord." [By B.W. Newton.] (Isle of Wight, Yelf Bros.,) [n.d.] 31p. 7". 5445,(10)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Elementary studies in "the Canticles" on the practical walk of faith. (Isle of Wight, Yelf Bros.,) [n.d.] 26p. 7". (842692) 9164

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Elementary studies on doctrinal subjects in the Epistle to the Romans. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) 1896. 24p. 7". (G69492/KR3064) 8166,(7)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Entrance into "the holiest. "By what means? On what ground? In what title? [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2982) (The "Patmos" Series. No.14.) 8164,(14)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ephesians. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 48p. 7". (G69492/KR3069) Wanting the title-page. 8166,(12)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Epistle to the church in Ephesus. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 15+[1]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2976) (The "Patmos" Series. No.8.) 8164,(8)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) An erroneous mode of stating the gospel considered. London, Houlston and Sons, 1877. 27p. 7". (DA3ET) (Tracts on Doctrinal Subjects, No. II.) 13525,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) An erroneous mode of stating the gospel considered...Reprinted by permission. London, S.R.Cottey, (1933). 26+[2]p. 7". (G65941) 725

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Erroneous statements concerning atonement and its results considered. London, Houlston and Sons, 1877. 3 pt. 7". (DA3ET) (Tracts on Doctrinal Subjects, No. III-V.) 13525,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Erroneous statements concerning atonement and its results considered. London, Houlston, 1877. 3 pt. 7". (GC48098) (Tracts on Doctrinal Subjects, No.III-V.) 5078

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ueber die ewige Versohnung: 1. B. Mose 3, Romer 5: ein Tractat. [German translation of "Eternal reconciliation."] Halle, J. Fricke, 1860. 31p. 6.5". (DA3EW) 13527,(37)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Europe and the East: final predominance of Russia inconsistent with the declarations of Scripture...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1878. 176p. 7". (DA3EM) 13520,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Europe and the East: final predominance of Russia inconsistent with the declarations of Scripture ...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1878. [i]+176p. 7". (G69560) 3495

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Europe and the East: final predominance of Russia inconsistent with the declarations of Scripture ...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1878. 176+[1]p. 7". (GC41314) 8151

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) European prospects, A.D. 1863... Reprinted from "Occasional papers on Scriptural subjects". London, C.M. Tucker, (1910). 54p. Folding map. 7". (D8TLF) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 8722

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) European prospects, A.D.1863... Reprinted from "Occasional papers on Scriptural subjects." Worthing, E.J. Burnett,(1924). 53+[2]p. 7". (G70353) 5479

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Events that are to precede the return of our Lord. (Fourth edition.) London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, (1972). 23p. 7". (755905) 727

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Everlasting punishment. (London, G. Hunt,) [n.d.] 4p. 6". (DA3EW) 13527,(15)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) An exposition of Isaiah liii. with Acts viii., 26-40. [By B.W.Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718) [The "Patmos" Series. No.1.] 8164,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Expository teaching on the millennium and Israel's future. London, L.Collins, 1913. v+192+[2]p. 7". (755921) 742

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Extracts from Bishop Pearson's Exposition of the Apostles' Creed. [London,](Printed by B.R. Peake,)[n.d.] 12p. 6.5". (DA3EQ) 13523,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Facts of prophetic Scripture... Studies in Daniel & Revelation. (Reprinted from "Watching and Waiting.") London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.] [iv]+55+[1]p. 7.5". (755902) 724

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The final division of the 'Roman Empire' into ten kingdoms, with map of suggested subdivisions. Dan.ii & viii. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 15+[1]p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3051) ("Time of the End" Series, No.22.) 8165,(21)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The first and second chapters of the Epistle to the Romans considered, with remarks on certain doctrines recently promulgated by the Savilian Professor of Geometry [B.Powell],and the Regius Professor of Greek [B.Jowett] in the University of Oxford. London, Houlston, 1856. [iv]+120p. 7". (GC40816) 3579

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The first and second chapters of the Epistle to the Romans considered, with remarks on...doctrines...promulgated by the Savilian Professor...[B. Powell], and the Regius Professor...[B. Jowett], etc. London, Houlston, 1856. [iv]+120p. 7". (GC44780) 5438,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The first and second chapters of the Epistle to the Romans considered, with remarks on certain doctrines recently promulgated by the Savilian Professor of Geometry [B. Powell], and the Regius Professor of Greek [B. Jowett], in the University of Oxford [B. Jowett]...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1897. [iv]+125+[3]p. 4.5". 13524,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The first and second chapters of the Epistle to the Romans considered, with remarks on certain doctrines recently promulgated by the Savilian Professor of Geometry [B.Powell], and the Regius Professor of Greek [B. Jowett] in the University of Oxford...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1897. [iv]+125+[5]p. 7". (755918) 738

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The first resurrection and reign in righteousness. Chelmsford, The Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.] 28p. 6.5". (GC60323) 12564

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) First series of aids to prophetic enquiry...Second edition, considerably enlarged. London, J.Nisbet, 1850. [ii]+221+[1]p. 7.5". (G63438) 1642

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) First series of aids to prophetic enquiry...Second edition, considerably enlarged. London, Houlston & Wright, [n.d.] iv+[ii]+220+[4]p. 6.5". (772194) 8148

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Five letters on events predicted in Scripture, as antecedent to the coming of the Lord. [Preface signed "S.P.T.", i.e. S.P. Tregelles.] London, J. Nisbet, 1847. viii+76p. 7". 14698

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Five letters on events predicted in Scripture, as antecedent to the coming of the Lord...With preface by...S.P. Tregelles. Third edition. London, Houlston, 1877. viii+101p. 7". (DA3EU) 13526,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Five letters on events predicted in Scripture as antecedent to the coming of the Lord...With preface by...S.P. Tregelles. Third edition. London, Houlston, 1877. viii+101p. 7". (G65958) 2126

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Five letters on events predicted in Scripture as antecedent to the coming of the Lord...With preface by...S.P. Tregelles. Third edition. London, S.R. Cottey, [c.1877]. vii+[i]+101+[2]p. 7". (GC45891) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 8160

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The forgiveness and restoration of Israel. Psalms xviii, cxviii. (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3040) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.10.) 8165,(10)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Gleanings in 1 and 2 Peter. [By B.W. Newton.] Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard & Co., [n.d.] 34+[2]p. 4.5". (No. 1.) 14253

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) God and "the heathen." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3003) (The "Patmos" Series, No.35.) 8164,(35)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Gospel of John. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 47p. 7". (G69492/KR3063) Wanting the title-page. 8166,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Gospel truths...New edition revised. Lodon, Houlston, (1872). [v]+102+[4]p. 7". (GC41011) With proprietary signature of J.J. Penstone. 8150

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Gospel truths...Fourth edition. London, Houlston, 1901. [vii]+102p. 7". (DA3EQ) 13523,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Gospel truths...Fourth edition. London, Houlston, 1901. [viii]+102+[2]p. 7". (755892) 735

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Gospel truths...Fourth edition. London, Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony, [c.1901]. [v]+102+[2]p. 7". (772280) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 8149

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Hades"..."Mosaic cosmogony." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 15+[1]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3011) (The "Patmos" Series, No.43.) 8164,(43)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The harlot of Babylon: the Revelation chapter seventeen in conversation. (London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony,) [n.d.] [12]p. 9". (DD2Q5) 13537

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The "Holy Spirit," his office and work. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 19+[1]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3005) (The "Patmos" Series, No.37.) 8164,(37)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) How B.W.Newton learned prophetic truth. (Reprinted from "Watching and Waiting.") London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.] 16p. 6.5". (G65961) 2128

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) How does the blood save? London, Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.]. [6]p. 7". (GC46786) 5776

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) How does the blood save?... Sixth edition. London, Houlston & Sons,[n.d.] 15p. 4". (DA3EW) 13527,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) How to study prophecy: illustrated in Zechariah xii.-xiv. [By B.W. Newton.](6th thousand.) (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3038) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.8.) 8165,(8)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Human progress," its course and doom, or, "withdrawal unto perdition." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2990) (The "Patmos" Series. No.22.) 8164,(22)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The humanity of Christ. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 8.) 13527,(12)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Imputed righteousness. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 7.) 13527,(11)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) In the courts of God: "guilty" or "guiltless?" Romans i-iv. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2993) (The "Patmos" Series, No.25.) 8164,(25)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The inspiration of Scripture. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 10.) 13527,(14)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Instead of," or, "the Lord will provide." Reflections for Good Friday. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3006) (The "Patmos" Series, No.38.) 8164,(38)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Instruction" for the church concerning "the kingdom of God." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 18+[2]p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3035) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.6.) 8165,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Is it wrong to expect certain pre- dicted events previous to the return of the Lord Jesus? A letter to a friend. Plymouth, Tract Depot, [n.d.] [ii]+23p. 7". (GC41795/KR975) 5618,(13)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Is salvation by the obedience of a divine substitute a fiction?... Second edition. London, Houlston, 1898. 16p. 7". (DA3EQ) 13523,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Is salvation by the obedience of a divine substitute a fiction?... Second edition. London, Houlston, 1898. 16p. 7". (GC48326) 6232

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Isaiah liii. considered, being an extract from a work entitled "Thoughts on Scriptural subjects" ...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1896. 92+[2]p. 7". (G65933) 1781

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Israel in the days of Haggai and Zechariah, with a note upon the prophecy of Haggai, both reprinted from "Occasional papers on Scriptural subjects;" also a lecture upon Zechariah iii. London, L.Collins, 1911. 62+[2]p. 7". (G65942) 1777

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Israel's future" in the earth. Isaiah xxiv.-xxvii.[By B.W.Newton]. (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3032) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.3.) 8165,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Israel's prospects in the millennium, being the substance of a lecture delivered July 1st, 1856, in Duke-street Chapel, St. James's Park, London. London, Houlston and Stoneman, 1856. 38p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR636) 6377,(8)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Israel's prospects in the millennium. [London,] (Hunt and Elliott, printers,) [n.d.] 38[36]p. 6.5". (DA3EU) 13526,(10)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Israel's rejection and the Gentiles' acceptance of Jesus of Nazareth: characteristics of the Gospel of Matthew. [By B.W.Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 14+[2]p. 7". (G69492/KR3059) 8166,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Jerusalem. [N.pl., n.publ., n.d] 48[46]p. 6.5". (DA3EU) 13526,(9)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Jerusalem: its future history... Second edition. London, Houlston & Wright, [n.d.] 48p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR633) 6377,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Jerusalem: its future history... Third edition. London, L. Collins, 1908. 58+[2]p. 7". (GC49194) 8147

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Jerusalem: its future history... Third edition. London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, 1908. 58+[2]p. 7". (755891) Publisher's name supplied on sticker. 718

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Jerusalem et l'homme de peche. [Translated from the English, "Jerusalem".] (Jersey, Depot de Traites,) [c. 1845]. 19p. Xerox copy. 14296

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Jesus washing his disciples' feet. London, Houlston & Wright, 1866. 22+[2]p. 6.5". 14699

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Jesus washing his disciples' feet ...Second edition. London, Houlston & Sons, 1874. 22+[1]p. 7". (DAM2G) 13547

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Jesus washing his disciples' feet ...Reprinted from "Atonement and its results." London, Houlston, 1902. 20p. 7". (755915) 732

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) John the Baptist: the place and character of his ministry and baptism. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 15+[1]p. 7". (G69492/KR3060) 8166,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The judgment of the Court of Arches and of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, in the case of Rowland Williams...considered. London, Houlston, 1866. [iii]+126+[4]p. 8". (G69408) 3471

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Justification and sanctification. [London,] Hunt,Barnard & Co., [n.d.] 16p. 6.5". (GC46769) Catalogued from cover. 5784

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Justification. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 3.) 13527,(7)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) La justification, ou comment Dieu nous justifie. [French translation of "Justification: being the substance of a discourse (on Rom. v. 1-11) recently delivered in London."] Lausanne, Imp. G. Bridel & Cie., 1902. 32p. 6.5". (DA3EW) 13527,(35)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ueber die Rechtfertigung: Erklarung von Romer 5, 1-11. [German translation of "Justification: being the substance of a discourse recently delivered in London]...Herausgegeben von der Wupperthaler Traktat- Gesellschaft. Barmen, J.F. Steinhaus, 1860. [i]+25+[2]p. 6". (DA3EW) 13527,(36)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "The last end of the indignation." Ps.cx. and cxxvii.[By B.W.Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3037) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.7.) 8165,(7)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Latitudinarianism, its development, course, and downfall. [By B.W. Newton.] Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard & Co., [n.d.] 15". Xerox copy. 13058

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The leaven, Matthew xiii. 33. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 24.) 13527,(28)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans. Worthing, S.R. Cottey, (1918). v+529p. 7". (GC41394) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 8161

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A letter to a friend concerning a tract recently published at Cork. London, Houlston & Stoneman, [?1850]. 34p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR657) 6377,(24)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A letter to a friend, concerning a tract recently published at Cork, (entitled "Remarks on Mr.Newton's doctrines, &c") [Followed by] (Extracts from Bishop Pearson's Exposition of the Apostles' Creed.) London, Houlston & Stoneman, [?1863]. 34p. 7". (GC42175) With annotations by J.J. Penstone and W.R. Lewis. 1232

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A letter to Richard Waldo Sibthorp ...on the subject of his recent pamphlet ["Some answer to the enquiry: Why are you become a Catholic?"] London, D. Walther, 1842. 32p. 8". (GC49302) Different editon to CBA 13851. 9516

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A letter to Richard Waldo Sibthorp ...on the subject of his recent pamphlet ["Some answer to the enquiry: Why are you become a Catholic?"] London, D. Walther, 1842. Different edition to CBA 9516. 34+[1]p. Xerox copy. 13851

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A letter to the bretren and sisters in Christ, who meet for communion in Ebrington Street, Plymouth; containind remarks on a recent tract, circulated amongst them. [London, J.K. Campbell, 63p. c. 1846.] Xerox copy. 14164

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A letter to the Minister of Silver Street Chapel, Taunton [John] (Jackson), in reply to his recent lecture against the pre-millennial advent of the Lord...Third edition, revised. London, Houlston & Wright, [n.d.] 36p. 7". (DA3EU) 13526,(8)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "The little remnant" under "Antichrist." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3039) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.9.) 8165,(9)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Manna." What is it? [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3010) (The "Patmos" Series, No.42.) 8164,(42)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Melchisedek; a type of Christ. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 18.) 13527,(22)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Memorial versus idolatry; or the "table of the Lord" and the "table of devils." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2988) (The "Patmos" Series,No.20.) 8164,(20)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The message to the church in "Laodicea." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 14+[2]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2987) (The "Patmos" Series. No.19.) 8164,(19)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The message to the church in "Pergamos." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 9+[2]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2980) (The "Patmos" Series. No.12.) 8164,(12)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The message to the church in "Philadelphia". [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 13+[2]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2985) (The "Patmos" Series. No.17.) 8164,(17)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The message to the church in "Sardis." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 15+[1]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2983) (The "Patmos" Series. No.15.) 8164,(15)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The message to the church in "Smyrna." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 14+[2]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2979) (The "Patmos" Series. No.11.) 8164,(11)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The message to the church in "Thyatira." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 19+[1]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2981) (The "Patmos" Series. No.13.) 8164,(13)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The metropolis of the world. "Babylon." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 19p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3049) ("Time of the End" Series, No.20.) 8165,(19)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The millennium and the everlasting state. Extracted from "The Quarterly Journal of Prophecy." [N.pl., n.publ., n.d.] 12[10]p. 6.5". (DA3EU) 13526,(11)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Modern doctrines respecting sinlessness considered. Extracted from "Thoughts on Scriptural Subjects." London, Houlston, 1873. 80p. 7". (G67918) 2580

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Moses, the child of faith. London, Houlston, 1892. [ii]+64p. 7". (755919) 710

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Moses, the child of faith. London, Houlston, 1892. [i]+64p. 7". (DA3EN) 13521,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Moses, the child of faith. Worthing, E.J. Burnett, 1928. 64p. 7.5". (DD2R1) 13341

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The mustard seed, Matthew xiii. 31. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 23.) 13527,(27)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Narratives from the Old Testament. London, Houlston, 1886. [iv]+xxxix+128p. 7". (DA3EN) 13521,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Narratives from the Old Testament. London, Houlston, 1886. [iv]+xxxix+128+[2]p. 7.5". (G69533) 3475

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Narratives from the Old Testament. Worthing, E.J. Burnett, 1886. [ii]+xxxiv+128+[2]p. 7.5". (GC41042) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 8162

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Narratives from the Old Testament. London, Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony, 1886. [ii]+xxxiv+128+[2]p.7".(772202) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 8163

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The nations in relation to Christ, as in the Second Psalm. London, Sov. Grace Adv. Test., [n.d.] 12p. 7". (GC44246) 6071

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The natural relation of governments to God. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 21.) 13527,(25)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The natural relation of man to God. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 1.) 13527,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The new world order, or pre- millennial truth demonstrated... An answer to the post-millennial, a-millennial, and anti-millennial theories. London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.] 20p. 6.5". (G65960) 2127

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The new world order, or pre- millennial truth demonstrated... An answer to the post-millennial, a-millennial, and anti-millennial theories. London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.] 20p. 6.5". (755911) 717

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Notes expository of the Greek of the first chapter of the Romans; with remarks on the force of certain synonyms, etc. London, Houlston and Stoneman, 1856. xii+156p. 7". (DA3EP) 13522,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Notes expository of the Greek of the first chapter of the Romans; with remarks on the force of certain synonyms, etc. London, Houlston, 1856. xii+156+[1]p. 7.5". (G63282) Inscribed "Octavius Child, from the author, May 30 /56." 1668

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Notes expository of the Greek of the first chapter of the Romans; with remarks on the force of certain synonyms, etc. London, Houlston, 1856. vii+156p. 7". (755893) 714

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Notes on some statements of Mr. Pearsall Smith. (Reprinted from the "Record", November 2, 1874). [N.pl.,n.pub.,n.d.] [1]p. 11" (GC44020/KR1817) 7188,(9)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Observations on a tract entitled "The sufferings of Christ as set forth in a lecture on Psalm vi. considered". London, J.K. Campbell, 1847. 89+[1]p. Xerox copy. 13633

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Occasional papers on Scriptural subjects. London, Houlston and Wright, 1861-6. 4 vol. [in 1]. 9.5". (DA3EA) With pocket at end containing: (1) A prophetic map of the world; (2) Map of the Roman Empire. 13511

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Old Testament saints not to be excluded from the church in glory, with some remarks on the heresy of Marcion. London, Houlston, 1887. 68p. 7.5". (G65932) 1798

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Old Testament saints not to be excluded from the church in glory, with some remarks on the heresy of Marcion. London, Houlston, 1887. 68p. 7". (GC42196) 4929

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The "Olive-tree" and its branches: the doom of Israel and Christendom. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2975) (The "Patmos" Series. No.7.) 8164,(7)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On justification through the blood and righteousness of a substitute ...Second edition. London,Houlston & Wright,1866. 22+[2]p. 7". (GC41790) 5446,(24)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On justification through the blood and righteousness of a substitute. London, Houlston & Wright, 1862. 22p. 7". 14702

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On Luke xxi...the substance of a lecture delivered...at Crediton, on part of the 21st of Luke...notes... added by J.G. Deck. (London,)[n.publ., c.1843.] 11p. 6.5". (G78911) Xerox copy. 12000

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On the exercise of worldly authority. [London,](R. Stockwell, printer,)[n.d.] 16p. 7". (DA3EM) 13520,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On the exercise of worldly authority...Reprinted by permission. London, L. Collins, 1901. 16p. 7". (GC44243) Catalogued from cover. 5083

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On the natural relations of men and governments to God. Extracted from "Prospects of the ten kingdoms," etc. London, Houlston, 1873. 20p. 7". (DAM2J) Catalogued from cover. 13546

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On the natural relations of men and governments to God. Extracted from "Prospects of the ten kingdoms," etc. London, Houlston, 1873. 20p. 7". (755904) Catalogued from cover. 726

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On the prophecies respecting the Jews and Jerusalem, in the form of a catechism. [By B.W. Newton.] (Plymouth, Tract Depot,)[n.d.] 12p. 7". (GC41795/KR981) 5618,(19)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On the prophecies respecting the Jews and Jerusalem, in the form of a catechism. [By B.W. Newton.] (Plymouth, Rowe,)[n.d.] 12p. 7". (GC41766/KR1180) 5700,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On the prophecies respecting the Jews and Jerusalem, in the form of a catechism...Third edition. (London,) Houlston & Wright, 1866. 28p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR628) 6377,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On the second Psalm: a reprint from "Occasional papers," etc. London, C.M. Tucker, 1900. 16+[4]p. 5". (G65939) Publisher's name supplied on sticker. Publisher's booklist annotated. 1778

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) On the second Psalm: a reprint from "Occasional papers," etc. London, C.M. Tucker, 1900. 16+[4]p. 5". (G65934) Publisher's name supplied on sticker. Publisher's booklist annotated and extended. 1780

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The one all-sufficient offering. (Reprinted from "Watching & Waiting".) London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.] 8p. 6.5". (DAM23) 13542

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) One man's one sin, contrasted with "the one righteousness." Romans v. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2994) (The "Patmos" Series, No.26.) 8164,(26)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Order of events connected with the appearing of Christ and his millennial reign. Extracted from the third series of "Aids to prophetic enquiry." London, J. Nisbet, 1850. 38+[1]p. 7". (GC44269) 5080

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Order of events connected with the appearing of Christ and his millennial reign, extracted from "Prospects of the ten kingdoms" ...Second edition, revised. London, Houlston, 1874. 55p. 7". (GC42566) 4404

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Our altar. London, Houlston and Sons, 1877. 20p. 7". (DA3ET) ([Tracts on Doctrinal Subjects,] No. 1.) 13525,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Our governmental acknowledgment of God: five papers on the moral and religious qualifications of legislators in the Parliament of Great Britain. London, L. Collins, 1900. vi+41p. 7". (DA3EM) Publisher's imprint entered by rubber stamp. 13520,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Parables of Matthew xiii: history of professing Christianity. (Second edition, reprinted.) London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, (1897). [ii]+42p. 7.5". (755899) 723

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ necessary to the introduction of millennial blessing. London, Hamilton,Adams,and Co., 1841. 18p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR643) 6377,(12)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ necessary to the introduction of millennial blessing. First lecture. [By B.W. Newton.] London, (J. Wertheimer,) 1842. 18p. 7". (GC41766/KR1183) 5700,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Practical sanctification. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 6.) 13527,(10)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Prepared unto glory!" How? [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2973) (The "Patmos" Series. No.5.) 8164,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The present and future condition of the earth. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 22.) 13527,(26)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Priesthood and sacrifice essential to worship. [N.pl., n.publ., ?1853.] P.97-112. 8.5". (Leicester Lectures on Great Protestant Truths: the second lecture.) 13528

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Priesthood and sacrifice essential to worship, etc. [London], J. Paul, 1853. P.13-28. 9". (836445) (Leicester Lectures on Great Protestant Truths, 2.) (No.2,087-88.-The Penny Pulpit.) Inscribed by the author to Mrs MacLachlan. 3236,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The probable course of events up to the "time of the end." [By B.W. Newton.] (2nd edition.) (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3031) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.2.) 8165,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prophecies respecting the Jews and Jerusalem considered, in the form of a catechism...Fourth edition. London, Houlston, 1888. 31+[1]p. 7". (DA3EU) 13526,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prophecies respecting the Jews and Jerusalem considered, in the form of a catechism...Fourth edition. London, Houlston, 1888. 31+[1]p. 7". (GC44245) 5084

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prophecies respecting the Jews and Jerusalem considered, in the form of a catechism...Fifth edition. Worthing, E.J. Burnett, 1949. 27+[1]p. 7". (842691) 9163

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The prophecy of "Habakkuk." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 18+[1]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2989) (The "Patmos" Series, No.21.) 8164,(21)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prophecy of the Lord Jesus, as contained in Matthew xxiv. briefly considered. (London,)[Tract Depot, n.d.] 20p. 6.5". (GC41793/KR79) 5595,(8)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prophecy of the Lord Jesus, as contained in Matthew xxiv. briefly considered. (Plymouth, Tract Depot,)[n.d.] 20p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR648) 6377,(15)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The prophecy of the Lord Jesus as contained in Matthew xxiv. & xxv. considered; with notes and appendix...Third edition. London, Houlston, 1879. 103+[1]p. 7". (DA3EU) 13526,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ as contained in Matthew xxiv. & xxv. considered...Third edition. London, Houlston, 1879. 103+[1]p. 7.5". (G69409) 3468

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The prophecy of the Lord Jesus as contained in Matthew xxiv. and xxv. considered...Fourth edition. London, Houlston, 1902. 112+[2]p. 7.5". (GC41380) 8153

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The prophecy of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24 & 25, with notes and appendix...6th edition. London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, 1969. [ii]+108+[2]p. 7". (755898) 715

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prophecy: how to read it; or, Scripture its own interpreter. [Extracted](from "First series of aids to prophetic enquiry.") (London, G. Hunt,)[n.d.] 4p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR656) 6377,(23)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A prophetic forecast of professing Christianity. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3048) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.19.) 8165,(18)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prophetic Psalms in their relation to Israel briefly considered. London, Houlston & Wright, [1858]. 42p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR634) 6377,(7)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prophetic Psalms in their relation to Israel...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1900. 42p. 7". (DA3EN) 13521,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prophetic Psalms, in their relation to Israel...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1900. 42+[2]p. 7". (755894) 719

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Propositions for the solemn consideration of Christians. London, Houlston & Wright, 1864. 22+[1]p. Xerox copy. 13848

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Propositions for the solemn consideration of Christians... Second edition. London, Houlston & Wright, 1865. 22+[1]p. 7.5". (GC41790) 5446,(21)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Propositions for the solemn consideration of Christians...Third edition. London, Houlston & Wright, 1867. 24p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR623) 6377

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Propositions for the solemn consideration of Christians... Fourth edition. London, Houlston & Sons, 1892. 36p. 7". (DA3ER) 13524,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Propositions for the solemn consideration of Christians... Fifth edition. Wembley, G.L. Silverwood-Browne, [n.d.] 36p. 7". (755897) 722

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Propositions for the solemn consideration of Christians... Fifth edition. London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony. [n.d.] 36p. 7". (776343) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 9635

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prospects of the ten kingdoms of the Roman Empire, considered; being the third series of aids to prophetic enquiry. London, J. Nisbet, 1849. 274+[2]p. 7.5". (836455) 3241

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prospects of the ten kingdoms of the Roman Empire considered, being the third series of Aids to prophetic enquiry. London, Houlston & Wright, 1863. 274+[2]p. 8". (901766) 11954

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prospects of the ten kingdoms of the Roman Empire, being the third series of aids to prophetic enquiry... Second edition, revised. London, Houlston and Sons, 1873. viii+492p. 7". (DA3EG) 13516

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prospects of the ten kingdoms of the Roman Empire...Second edition, revised. London, Houlston, 1873. viii+492+2p. 7". (G69543) 3482

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prospects of the ten kingdoms of the Roman Empire...Third edition, revised and abridged. Wembley, G.L. Silverwood- Browne, 1955. vi+271+[2]p. 7.5". (G68898) 2547

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Prospects of the ten kingdoms of the Roman Empire...Fourth edition, revised and abridged. Chelmsford, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, [c.1965]. viii+271+[3]p. 7.5". (755922) 737

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The prospects of the world, in connection with the approaching return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Second lecture. [By B.W. Newton.] London, [Central Tract Depot,] 1842. 24p. 7". (GC41766/KR1184) 5700,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The prospects of the world, in connection with the approaching return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Second lecture. [By B.W. Newton.] London, [Central Tract Depot,] 1842. 24p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR645) 6377,(13)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Protection," "acceptance," "cleansing." [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2999) (The "Patmos" Series. No.31.) 8164,(31)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Psalm 119: Christ's daily life-work for us. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3007) (The "Patmos" Series, No.39.) 8164,(39)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Psalms i.[-] viii.[By B.W.Newton,] etc. (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 18+[2]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2991) (The "Patmos" Series. No.23.) 8164,(23)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "The purpose of God according to 'election,'" in Romans ix.-xi. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2996) (The "Patmos" Series, No.28.) 8164,(28)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Rechabites, Jeremiah xxxv: a tract compiled from notes of a lecture delivered in Duke Street Chapel, St. James's Park, July 8th, 1855. London, Houlston & Stoneman, 1856. 22+[2]p. 8". 13011

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "The recompense of the reward." Gen.iii and Heb.xi. [By B.W.Newton] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3042) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.12.) 8165,(12)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Reflections for the new year in the parables of Matt. xxv. [By B.W. Newton.] (2nd ed.) (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2978) (The "Patmos" Series, no. 10.) 8164,(10)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Reflections for the "season". December 25th. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 15+[1]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2977) (The "Patmos" Series, no. 9.) 8164,(9)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Reflections on the character and spread of Spiritualism...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1882. 88p. 7". (782698) 10434

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Reflections on the character and spread of spiritualism... Second edition. London, Houlston, 1882. 88p. 7". (DA3EN) 13521,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Reflections suggested by the present movement in England against Romanism: a letter to a friend. London, J. Nisbet, 1851. 21p. 6.5". (DA3EW) 13527,(33)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Reflections suggested by the present movement in England against Romanism: a letter to a friend. London, J. Nisbet, 1851. 21+[1]p. 7.5". (GC44241) 5082

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Regeneration in its connexion with the cross: the substance of a lecture delivered in Duke Street Chapel, St. James's Park. London, Houlston & Wright, 1860. 34+[2]p. 7". (GC49197) 6290

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Regeneration in its connexion with the cross: the substance of a lecture delivered in Duke Street Chapel, St. James's Park...Second edition. London, Houlston & Wright, 1864. 34+[2]p. 7". (GC48014) 9007

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on "Mosaic cosmogony" [by C.W. Goodwin], being the fifth of the "Essays and Reviews"...Third edition, revised. London, Houlston, 1882. 103p. 7". (DA3EM) 13520,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on "Mosaic cosmogony" [by C.W. Goodwin], being the fifth of the "Essays and Reviews" ...Third edition, revised. London, Houlston, 1882. 103p. 7". (755913/KR12248) 739,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on a book entitled "Natural law in the spiritual world," by H. Drummond, being the substance of four lectures given in London. London, C.M.Tucker,1884. 192p. 7". (G73176) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 10436

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on a book entitled "Natural law in the spiritual world," by H. Drummond, being the substance of four lectures given in London. London, Houlston, 1884. 192p. 7". (DA3EM) 13520,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on a book entitled "Natural law in the spiritual world," by H. Drummond, being the substance of four lectures given in London. London, Houlston, 1884. 192p. 7". (G69070) 3237

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on a book entitled "Natural law in the spiritual world," by H. Drummond, being the substance of four lectures given in London. London, Houlston, 1884. 192p. 7". (GC41427) 8154

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on a tract entitled "Justification in the risen Christ" (by C. S)[tanley]. London, C.M. Tucker, 1870. 29+[3]p. 7". (D8TM6) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 13571

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on a tract entitled "Justification in the risen Christ," (by C.S)[tanley]...Second edition. Reprinted from "Thoughts on Scriptural subjects." London, Houlston, 1896. 30+[2]p. 7". (755914) 709

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on Galatians ii.-iv. (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 22p. 7". (G69492/KR3067) 8166,(10)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on Mr. R. Pearsall Smith's edition of hymns selected from those of the late F.W. Faber. [London,] printed for the author, 1874. vi+128p. 7". (D3ERT) 13525,(9)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on Mr. R. Pearsall Smith's edition of hymns selected from those of the late F.W.Faber. (London, Houlston,) 1874. [ii]+vi+128+[1]p. 7.5". (836478) 3370

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on the Revised English Version of the Greek New Testament. London, Houlston, 1881. [iv]+355+[2]p. 7". (DA3EP) 13522,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on the Revised English Version of the Greek New Testament. London, Houlston, 1881. 355+[2]+2p. 7.5". (836458) 3238

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Remarks on the sufferings of the Lord Jesus: a letter addressed to certain brethren & sisters in Christ. London, Campbell, 1847. [i]+50p. Xerox copy. 13031

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Reminiscences of Mr. B.W. Newton's ministry on prophecy. (Isle of Wight, Yelf Bros.), [n.d.] Pt. ii. 7". (D8TM8) 13570

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Reminiscences of Mr. B.W. Newton's ministry. (Isle of Wight, Yelf Bros.,) [n.d.] 32p. 7.5". (GC44242) Catalogued from cover. 6072

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A remonstrance to the Society of Friends. London, Nisbet & Co., 1835. [vi]+104[102]p. 7.5". (GC49355/KR364) 6376

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Riches of grace," as seen in the tabernacle. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3000) (The "Patmos" Series. No.32.) 8164,(32)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Salvation by substitution... Second edition. London, Houlston and Sons, [n.d.] 80p. 7". (DA3EQ) 13523,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Salvation by substitution...Third edition. London, L. Collins, 1909. 80+[2]p. 7". (755917) 734

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Salvation." What the instrumentality? What the link? [By B.W.Newton] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 17+[2]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2984) (The "Patmos" Series. No.16.) 8164,(16)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Sanctification by the blood of Jesus. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 4.) 13527,(8)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Sanctification through the Spirit. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 5.) 13527,(9)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Scriptural proof of the doctrine of the first resurrection... Second edition. London, Houlston and Wright, 1868. 36p. 7". (G65959) 2120

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Scriptural truths. [24 tracts.] London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, [n.d.] [100]p. 4.5". (755924) 711

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The second advent of our Lord not secret but in manifested glory. London, Houlston & Wright, 1862. 26p. 7". 14703

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The second advent of our Lord not secret but in manifested glory... Fourth edition. London, Houlston and Sons, 1891. 27p. 7". (DA3EU) 13526,(5)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The second advent of our Lord not secret, but in manifested glory... Fourth edition. London, Houlston, 1891. 27p. 7". (G65956) 2121

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The second advent of our Lord not secret, but in manifested glory... Sixth edition. Worthing, E.J. Burnett, (1936). 28p. 7". (GC44249) 5086

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The second advent not secret, but in manifested glory...Seventh edition. Wembley, G.L. Silverwood- Browne, 1957. [19]p. 6". (755895) Catalogued from cover. 720

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A second letter to the brethren and sisters in Christ, meeting for communion in Ebrington Street. London, I.K. Campbell,[c.1850] 68p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR658) 6377,(25)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The Sermon on the Mount: an outline. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 7". (G69492/KR3061) 8166,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The seventh chapter of the Epistle to the Romans considered...Second edition. London, Houlston & Sons, 1873. 84p. 7". (DA3ER) 13524,(6)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The seventh chapter of the Epistle to the Romans considered...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1873. 84+[2]p. 7". (GC41153) 8155

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The "signs of the times." Matthew xxiv., xxv. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3045) ("Time of the End" Series, No.17.) 8165,(16)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Some characteristics of the Millennial Age. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3050) ("Time of the End" Series, No.21.) 8165,(20)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Songs of thanksgiving". [By B.W. Newton,] etc. (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3041) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.11.) 8165,(11)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A statement and acknowledgement respecting certain doctrinal errors. [Followed by](a brief account of Mr. Newton's paper on the doctrines of the church in Newman Street,)[by](S.P. Tregelles). (Privately reprinted.) [N.pl., n.publ.,](1907). 10p. 7". (GC44270) 5081

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Studies in parts of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 32p. 7". (G69492/KR3065) 8166,(8)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Studies in parts of the Gospel of Matthew. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 60+[4]p. 7". (G69492) 8166,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Studies in parts of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 36p. 7". (G69492/KR3066) 8166,(9)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Studies in the Epistle of James. [By B.W. Newton.] Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,[n.d.] 36p. 7". (G69492/KR3072) 8166,(15)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Studies in the Epistle of I John. [By B.W. Newton.] Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,[n.d.] 38+[2]p. 7". (G69492/KR3074) 8166,(17)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 32p. 7". (G69492/KR3073) 8166,(16)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Studies in the Epistle to the Philippians. [By B.W. Newton.] Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,[n.d.] 20p. 7". (G69492/KR3070) 8166,(13)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Studies in the Epistles of i. and ii. Timothy. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt,Barnard,) [n.d.] 74+[2]p. 7". (G69492/KR3071) 8166,(14)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The tabernacle; a type of Christ. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 19.) 13527,(23)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The ten kingdoms: their government and probable final re-arrangement: in accordance with Daniel ii.,vii., viii. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63719/KR3044) (The "Time of the End" Series, No.15.) 8165,(14)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The testimony of Mr. B.W. Newton concerning the divinity and humanity of the Lord Jesus. Extracted from "Old Truths." London, [n.publ.,] 1867. 8p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR661) 6377,(28)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Theological opinions of Rev. Joseph Cook, of Boston,briefly considered. London, Houlston & Sons, 1881. (Pt.1.) 7". (785313) 10435

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Theological opinions of Rev. Joseph Cook, of Boston, briefly considered. London, Houlston and Sons, 1881. xii+124+[1]p. 7". (D3ERT) 13525,(8)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Things pertaining to this life. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2970) (The "Patmos" Series.[No.2.]) 8164,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Things that accompany salvation;" or, the practical walk of the "saved." In Romans xii.,xiii.,xiv. (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2992) (The "Patmos" Series, No.24.) 8164,(24)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "Things that must shortly come to pass." [By B.W. Newton.] (Second edition.) (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (G63719) (The "Time of the End Series," No.1.) 8165,(1)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on parts of Leviticus,etc. London, Partridge and Oakey, 1852-3. Nos.II,V. 7". (G67915) 3240

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on parts of the book of Leviticus...Second edition. London, Houlston and Wright, 1857. Vol.I. 6.5". (G68882) 3239

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on parts of Leviticus... New edition, revised. London, Houlston, 1898. [v]+397+[5]p. 7". (DA3EH) 13517

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on parts of Leviticus... New edition, revised. London, Houlston, 1898. [iv]+397+[7]p. 7". (GC41279) 8157

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on parts of the Epistle to the Romans. London, Houlston & Wright, [n.d.] 120+90[88]+[4]p. 6.5". (776342) 9636

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on parts of the prophecy of Isaiah...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1894. [vii]+316+[2]p. 7". (G69542) 3484

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on parts of the prophecy of Isaiah...Second edition. London, Houlston, 1894. [vi]+316+[2]p. 7". (GC41296) With proprietary signature of W.R. Lewis. 8156

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on parts of the prophecy of Isaiah [chapters 1-9]... Second edition. London, Houlston, 1894. [vii]+316p. 7". (DA3EJ) With dedicatory inscription from the author to Mary E. Stirling. 13518

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on parts of the Song of Solomon... Reprinted from "Occasional papers on scriptural subjects". London, L. Collins, 1906. [iv]+100+[2]p. 7". (GC41290) 8158

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on Scriptural subjects. London, Houlston, 1871. xii+389+4p. 7". (832388) 1725

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on Scriptural subjects... Second edition. London, Houlston & Sons, 1896. ix+426+[4]p. 7". (DA3EL) 13519

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on Scriptural subjects... Second edition. London, Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony,1896. vii+[ii]+426+[6]p 7". (785314) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 10431

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the Apocalypse. London, Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1844. 337p. 7". (G60441) 340

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on...the Apocalypse. Plymouth, J.B.Rowe,[c.1844.] No. 9-11. 7". (GC48090) Chapters 15-21. 11167

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the Apocalypse... Second edition, revised. London, Houlston,1853. vii+[iv]+377+[1]p. 8.5".(G73170) 10438

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the Apocalypse... Second edition, revised. London, Houlston and Wright, 1853. vii+[iv]+377+[1]p. 8.5". 1528

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the Apocalypse... Second edition, revised. London, Houlston, 1853. vii+[iv]+377p. 8". (DA3ED) With dedicatory inscription from the author to Miss M. Sterling. 13512

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the Apocalypse... Second edition, revised. London, Partridge and Oakey, 1853. [xi]+377+[1]p. 8.5". (836445/KR12452) Inscribed from the author to Mrs MacLachlan. With manuscript annotations. 3236,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the Apocalypse... Third edition. London, Houlston & Sons, 1904. xii+515+[8]p. 7.5". (DA3EK) 13513

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the Apocalypse... Third edition. London, Houlston, 1904. xii+515+[8]p. 7". (G69544) 3483

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the Christian and Jewish remnants, at the time of the end. London, Houlston & Wright, 1866. 24p. 7". (GC48364) 6451

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the end of the age: being in part compiled from some notes of lectures, delivered at Sidmouth, and elsewhere. Sidmouth, J. Harvey, 1845. 37p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR641) 6377,(11)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the history of professing Christianity as given in the parables of Matthew xiii... Reprinted from "Prospects of the ten kingdoms." (Second edition. Reprinted,) etc. London, Houlston, (1897). [ii]+42p. 7.5". (G65951) 1776

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on the whole prophecy of Isaiah. London, Sov. Grace Advent Testimony, [c.1970]. viii+308p. 7". (755923) 740

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on unfulfilled prophecy. [By B.W. Newton.] (London,) [J.K.Campbell, n.d.] 20p. Xerox copy. 13736

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Thoughts on unfulfilled prophecy. [By B.W. Newton.] (Plymouth, Tract Depot,)[n.d.] 20p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR650) 6377,(17)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Three reviews of tract by Mr. B.W. Newton, entitled "Propositions for the solemn consideration of Christians." London, C.M.Tucker, 1866. 12+[2]p.7". (GC48411) Publisher's imprint supplied on sticker. 11168

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Three reviews of tract by Mr. B.W. Newton, entitled "Propositions for the solemn consideration of Christians." London, [n.publ.,] 1866. 12p. 7". (DA3ER) 13524,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Three reviews of tract by Mr. B.W. Newton, entitled "Propositions for the solemn consideration of Christians." London, [n. publ.,] 1866. 12[10]p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR625) 6377,(2)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The "time of the end": a resume of prophetic truth. [By B.W. Newton.] (5th thousand.) (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 15+[1]p. 4.5". (G63718/KR3008) (The "Patmos" Series, No.40.) 8164,(40)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The true unity of the church of God in time and in eternity. [N.pl., n.publ., ?1854.] P.301-316. 8.5" (Leicester Lectures on Great Protestant Truths, Second Series: the fourth lecture.) 13529

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Ueber die ewige Versohnung: 1. B. Mose 3, Romer 5: ein Tractat. [German translation of "Eternal reconciliation."] Halle, J. Fricke, 1860. 31p. 6.5". (DA3EW) 13527,(36)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Under sin, under law, under grace. Romans vi-viii. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 16p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2995) (The "Patmos" Series, No.27.) 8164,(27)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The unity of the redeemed in glory. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 17.) 13527,(21)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Unjust charges [against B.W. Newton] disproved. [Containing extracts from the writings of J.N. Darby, B.W. Newton and S.P. Tregelles.] [?Aylesbury, ?Hunt, Barnard & Co., c.1917.] [2]p. 7.5". (G63187) 1296

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Unjust charges [against B.W. Newton] disproved. [Containing extracts from the writings of J.N. Darby, B.W. Newton, and S.P. Tregelles.] [?Aylesbury, ?Hunt, Barnard & Co., c.1917.] [2]p. 7.5". (G63188) 1297

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Unjust charges [against B.W. Newton] disproved. [Containing extracts from the writings of J.N. Darby, B.W. Newton, and S.P. Tregelles.] [?Aylesbury, ?Hunt, Barnard & Co., c.1917.] [2]p. 7.5". (G63189) 1298

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Valera's Spanish Bible of 1602: appeal to Protestant Christians respecting the reprinting of this version. London, Houlston & Stoneman, 1856. 16p. 7". (DA3EP) 13522,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The veil of the tabernacle. (London, J.F. Shaw & Co.,) [n.d.] [4]p. 6". (DA3EW) (Scriptural Truths, no. 20.) 13527,(24)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) A vindication of "A remonstrance to the Society of Friends" [by B.W. Newton]. London, Nisbet & Co., 1836. 72p. 7". (GC49356/KR363) Errata slip affixed. 6368

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The white robe, Rev. vii. 9-17. [?Dublin,] (Dublin Steam Printing Company,) [n.d.] 16[15]p. 4". (DA3EW) 13527,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) "The whole family": Ephesians iii, 15 [expounded through](extracts from the writings of B.W.Newton.] Compiled by L.B. Worthing, E.J.Burnett, 1935. 14+[2]p. 4.5". (GC48073) 12942

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Wilderness wanderings and heavenly guidance. [By B.W. Newton.] (Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard,) [n.d.] 15p. 4.5". (G63718/KR2971) (The "Patmos" Series. No.3.) 8164,(3)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The word of Jesus; and the voice of the Son of God. Compiled from notes of an address by B.W. Newton. Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard & Co., [n.d.] 32p. 4.5". (G65947) (The "Bethany" Series No.2.) 1799

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The world to come. (London, Wertheimer, Lea & Co.,) [n.d.] 16p. 7". (DA3EU) 13526,(7)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The world to come. [By B.W. Newton.] [N.pl., n.publ., c.1860.] 16p. 6.5". (GC49364/KR629) 6377,(4)

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The world to come...Fifth edition. London, Houlston, 1887. 16p. 7". (GC44268) Catalogued from cover. 5079

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) The world to come...Sixth edition. London, Houlston, 1897. 16p. 7". (755916) Catalogued from cover. 733

NEWTON (Benjamin Wills) Zechariah V: the vision of the ephah considered in relation to the principles of modern legislation...Fourth edition. London, L. Collins, 1912. 40p. 7". (755896) 721

NEWTON (J W ) Solemn considerations for Brethren, with extracts from J.N. D(arby) and others. Brantford, T. Somerville, 1886. [ii]+iv+44p. 6.5". (G59707) With manuscript notes. 233

NEWTON (John W ) The story of the Pilgrim Preachers and their 24 tours throughout Britain, etc. London, Pickering & Inglis, [1939]. 136p. Frontis. 8 plates. 7". (G60679) 418

NEWTON (Kenneth John) Brethren missionary work in Mysore state. (Malavalli, Scripture Lit.Pr., 1971). [ii]+46p. 8". (G62806) 5994

NEWTON (Kenneth John) Brethren missionary work in Mysore state. (Pinner,) C.B.R.F., (1975). 48p. 8". (81-08074) (CBRF Occasional Paper, no. 6.) 5993

NEWTON (Kenneth John) A history of the Brethren in Australia: with particular reference to the Open Brethren... dissertation...Fuller Theological Seminary, etc. 1990. [ii]+455p. 12". (901519) Xerox copy of typescript. 11956

NEWTON (Kenneth John) The Plymouth Brethren in India from 1833 to 1970: an analysis of the environmental factors influencing the distinctive development of these Plymouth Brethren churches in India... Thesis...Melbourne College of Divinity. 1978. xii+262f. 11". (G67363) Xerox copy. 2426

NICHOLS (E E ) Expectancy. [Verse.] (London, G. Morrish,) [n.d.] [4p.] 4.5". (GC43577) 11640

NICHOLS (E E ) The Holy Spirit's testimony. St.Ives, W.J.Rowe, Printer, [n.d.] [4]p. 4.5". (900112) 12650

NICHOLS (E E ) A safe retreat.[Verse.] (Plymouth, A.E.Bird,)[n.d.] 2p. 4.5". (GC53146) 10857

NICHOLS (E E ) Wanted, a man! [Verse.] (Hounslow, Bible and Gospel Trust,) [n.d.] 4p. 4.5". 14514

NICHOLS (J W H ) Brief Bible studies: Paul's Epistle to the Colossians. [Facsimile reprint.] Neptune, N.J., Loizeaux Brothers, [?1988]. 26p. 7.5". (KR17856/797053) 12281,(3)

NICHOLS (J W H ) The European crisis and connected events. New York, Loizeaux Bros., (1916). 24p. 7.5". Catalogued from cover. 14658

NICHOLS (J W H ) Nazariteship. San Mateo, Calif., the author, (1937). 15+[1]p. 7". Catalogued from cover. 13692

NICHOLS (J W H ) Recovery and retention, [including: 1.foreword by J.W.H. Nichols; 2.early reminiscences of Brethren; 3.letter from Travancore to J.W.H. Nichols, signed "N.C.E----"; 4.remarks by J.B. Stoney; 5.letter from J.N. Darby; 6.letter from J.G. Bellett to J. Macallister.] Atherton,Calif., J.W.H. Nichols, (1942). 29+[2]p. 7.5". (GC49329) For earlier edition of the fourth and sixth items, see under J.G. Bellett, "Interesting reminiscences, etc." 9532

NICHOLS (J W H ) The safe cracker's mistake. London, The Central Bible Truth Depot, [n.d.] [4]p. 5.5". (G84171) (Open Air Series No.44) 12859

NICHOLSON (J Boyd) The head covering. (Eleventh printing.) (St.Catharines,Ont., Clarion Press, 1978.) 20p. 5". (767691) 6414

NICHOLSON (J Boyd) The head covering. (Sixth printing.) (Grand Rapids, Gospel Folio Press, 1975.) [8]p. 8". (G68024) 2602

NICHOLSON (J Boyd) What the Bible teaches. [Commentary on] (I Peter) [by] (J.B.Nicholson; II Peter) [by] (G.P.Waugh; I,II & III John) [by] (A.M.S.Gooding;) [and] (Jude) [by] (A.McShane). Kilmarnock, J.Ritchie, 1987. [viii]+238p. 9.5". (91-72721) (Ritchie New Testament Commentaries vol. 5.) 13482

NICHOLSON (William) Bible student's companion or, the Bible explainer. London, Pickering & Inglis, [1924]. 870+[2]p. 8.5". (840960) 8173

NICHOLSON (William) The hand book or, companion to the Bible,etc. London, Nicholson and Sons, [n.d.] 380+[4]p. 7.5". (901427) 11955

NIEBOER (Joe) One another, or, how to get along well with other Christians. North East, Pa., Our Daily Walk, (1953). 155p. 7.5". (GC46161) 8169

NIEBOER (Joe) Practical exposition of James. Erie, Pa.,Our Daily Walk, (1950). 436p. 7.5". (GC46179) 8170

NIGHT, DAY-BREAK, AND CLEAR DAY Night, day-break, and clear day. (6th edit. of 5000.) Kelso, J.Rutherfurd, 1842. 8p. 7". (KR18190) (J.Rutherfurd's Series of Tracts No.20) 12336,(39)

NILSSON (Christer) Sekternas sekt: de exklusiva Plymouthbroderna. Stockholm, Proprius Forlag, (1986). 87p. 8". (903168) 13551

NO CONTACT No contact. (London,)[n.publ., n.d.] 2p. 5.5". (GC53853) 10901

NO GIRLS ALOUD No girls aloud! true stories for boys. Addison,Il., Bible Truth Publishers,(1987). 141p. 7". (G75699) 10820

NO SECT ON EARTH No sect on earth, but Christians only. [A poem]...A sequel to "No sect in heaven." London, G. Morrish, [n.d.] 16p. 6". (GC41792/KR726) 5606,(2)

NOAH The waters of Noah. [London,](J.B. Bateman,)[n.d.] 4p. 7". (GC41795/KR984) 5618,(22)

NOCH NIE IST JEMAND ZURUECKGEKOMMEN Noch nie ist jemand zuruckgekommen, um uns davon zu erzahlen. (Wermelskirchen,A.Wellershaus, 1954.) 4p. 6.5". (771907) 6828

NOEL (Napoleon) The history of the Brethren... Edited by W.F.Knapp. Denver, W.F. Knapp, 1936. 2 vol. 8". (G63331) 1701

NORBIE (Donald L ) Divorce and the Bible. New York, Loizeaux Bros., (1958). 48p. 7.5". (G67860) 3054

NORBIE (Donald L ) He loved to plant: how the Lord led and guided T.B. Gilbert 1917-1972. Fort Dodge, Iowa, Gospel Perpetuating Publishers,(1974) 109p. 12 plates. 7.5". (GC46192) 8167

NORBIE (Donald L ) New Testament church organization defined and compared with the major ecclesiastical systems. Chicago, Letters of Interest, [c.1950]. 79[77]p. 7". (G63873) 1900

NORBIE (Donald L ) New Testament church organization defined and compared with the major ecclesiastical systems. (Second edition.) Chicago, Christian Libraries, 1955. 92p. 6". (GC48783) 8168

NORBIE (Donald L ) New Testament church organization defined and compared with the major ecclesiastical systems... Indian edition, abridged. Madras, E.L.S., [n.d.] 69p. 7". (GC42692) 4254

NORBIE (Donald L ) "Ten shekels of silver by the year." Kansas City, Walterick Publishers, [n.d.] [6]p. 6". (GC53256) 12870

NORDURLJOSID Nordurljosid. (Akureyri, Nordurljosid,) 1984,1986,1988. Argangur 65,67,68. (86-80978) Per.

NORTH KASAI MISSION Congo view...North Sankuru Mission, Lote & Kole, Belgian Congo. [?Birmingham, ?A.B. Papps, ?1944.] 16p. 6.5". (GC43910) 6727

NORTH KASAI MISSION "Into his marvellous light": a story of 50 years' service [by the] (Westcott Mission) in Central Africa. (Introduction) [signed] (F.B. Hole). London, Central Bible Truth Depot, [c.1947]. 68p. 5". (838930) Xerox copy. 5632

NORTH KASAI MISSION "Into his marvellous light": a story of 50 years' service [by the] (Westcott Mission) in Central Africa. (Introduction) [signed] (F.B. Hole). London, Central Bible Truth Depot, [c.1947]. 64p. 10 plates. 4.5". (GC49983) Catalogued from cover. 7741

NORTH KASAI MISSION North Kasai Mission: Akela circulars [and] (field letters.) London, F.C.Rennie, 1929-62. No.1-23,25-96,98-114,116-139, 143. (GC45958) Continued as "North Kasai news," q.v. Per.

NORTH KASAI NEWS North Kasai news. (Edinburgh, North Kasai Mission,) 1963-65,1981-84. (G69917) From Aug. 1982 also issued with "Brief reports from overseas." Continuation of "North Kasai Mission: Akela Circulars [and] (field letters)," q.v. Per.

NORTHERN WITNESS, The The Northern witness: a monthly magazine of Biblical literature... Edited by J.R.Caldwell. Glasgow, The Publishing Office, 1878-1886. Vol.VIII-XVI. (G68487) Continued as "The witness," q.v. Per.

NOTE OF WARNING TO THE PROFESSING CHURCH, A A note of warning to the professing church. London, J.F. Shaw, [n.d.] 24p. 7". (G66177) 2056

NOTES AND QUERIES Notes and queries for readers and writers, collectors and librarians. ...New series. Oxford, O.U.P., 1978. Vol.25 no.3. (797099) Contains an article entitled 'William Yapp of Hereford - some further notes,' by T.C.F. Stunt. 13201

NOTES AND QUERIES Notes and queries for readers and writers, collectors and librarians. Oxford, O.U.P., 1981. Vol.28 no.5. (797098) Contains an article entitled 'The Greaves family: some clarification,' by T.C.F.Stunt. 13202

NOTES OF READINGS, etc. Notes of readings, Brixton, July, 1898, etc. London, G. Morrish, [n.d.] [iii]+148p. 6.5". (G64490/KR11663) 1105,(2)

NOTES ON BAPTISM Notes on baptism, compiled from various sources. Tunbridge Wells, Baldwin, [n.d.] 12p. 4.5". (GC41828) Catalogued from cover. 4135

NOTES ON THE DIVINE DISPENSATIONS Notes on the divine dispensations, the Lord's coming, and other future events. Aylesbury, Hunt, Barnard & Co., [n.d.] 19p. 7.5". (GC48062) 6220

NOTT (Louis P ) Gideon, 1810 to 1910: the vicissitudes of a city chapel; being the centenary history of Gideon Congregational Church, Bristol. Bristol, J.W.Arrowsmith, 1909. 77p. 9 plates. 8.5". (G62826) 1025

NOW Now. (10th edit. of 5000.) Kelso, J.Rutherfurd, [c.1841.] 4p. 7". (KR18181) (J.Rutherfurd's Series of Tracts No.10) 12336,(30)

NUNN (Philip) Working abroad: today's tentmaking challenge. Owosso, Overcomer Press, (1990). [ii]+viii+34+[3]p. 8.5". 14232

NUNNERLEY (Charles) Christianity or paganism. Leigh-on-Sea, [n.publ., n.d.] 10p. 4.5". (GC53563) 12453

NUNNERLEY (H F ) The truth of the assembly: notes of meetings in Australia, 1938. London, Stow Hill Bible and Tract Depot, [1940]. [vi]+138p. 6.5". (830029) 1614

NUR UL-'ALAM Nur ul-'alam: "the light of the world." (Bellville, Evangelical Mission Press,)[n.d.] [4]p. 7". (G71994) (Al-Hidaya: Right Guidance, Guidance Series No.8.) 9231