French Revolution Collection
Date range: 18th-20th centuries
Medium: Printed
Number of items: 20,000 items
A substantial collection of newspapers, periodicals and books published at the time of the French Revolution and up to the restoration of the Bourbons. It includes 15,000 proclamations, broadsides and bulletins as well as contemporary periodicals and newspapers (over 1,000 titles).
There is the original folio edition of Moniteur (1789-1815), together with an almost complete set of the Bulletin de la Convention Nationale (1792-5).
The broadsides and proclamations are for the most part mounted in over 100 folio binders, and range in date from 1789 to 1871.
There are substantial runs of laws and decrees, with much critical and biographical material.
Further information:
- Books, periodicals and newspapers are recorded in Library Search.
- Alex Fairfax-Cholmeley, Inventory of the European Proclamations and Broadsides Collection at the John Rylands Library (Manchester, 2016).
See also the following published guides:
- Albert Goodwin, 'The French Revolutionary Collection in the John Rylands Library: a Brief Survey', Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, vol. 42 (1959-60), pp. 8-14 (a few of the collections described have been subsequently withdrawn, and therefore parts of Professor Goodwin's article should be treated with caution).
- Bibliotheca Lindesiana, Journaux et Publications Périodiques de la Révolution Française, le Premier Empire et la Restauration (Wigan, 1911).
- Bibliotheca Lindesiana, Collations and Notes. Bulletin de l'Assemblée Nationale, 1792, Bulletin de la Convention Nationale, 1792-95 (Wigan, 1902).
- John P. Tuck, 'French Studies: A Guide to Research Resources in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester', Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, vol. 72, no. 2 (1990), pp. 10-12.
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